DL Open Thread Tuesday July 19 2022

Filed in National by on July 19, 2022

I have mixed feelings about this new political party [Non-Partisan Delaware] forming (congealing?) in Delaware.  I might go into why I am thusly mixed in the comments, but I also may not.  ITSAFREECOUNTRY!

Also see todays graphic (below), and let me know why Democrats can’t beat these idiots.

The graphic is campaign lit from Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers, who appears to be running as a stalwart protector of the rights of mass shooters.   This is commonplace among Republicans now, and since their entire platform can be reduced to:

  • Protect Mass Shooters Rights,
  • Protect Rapist Paternity Rights,
  • Increase Misery for the Poors, and
  • LOL – Fuck you!

…how is it that Democrats are floundering?

Non-Partisan Delaware is state’s newest political party

DOVER — In less than two months, Delawareans across the state will hit the ballot box to vote in the primary elections for their respective political party.
Candidates for seats in the U.S. Congress, Delaware’s House of Representatives and Senate, county councils, levy court and more had until noon July 12 to enter their name in the race for their desired seat.

For the 361,394 registered Democrats and the 209,208 registered Republican voters in the state, the primary election is about selecting which candidate is right for their party, but for members of the recently created Non-Partisan Delaware, the same cannot be said, as their candidates are locked in for the general election on Nov. 8.

On June 19, Delawareans gathered in Dover for the creation of Non-Partisan Delaware, an officially registered political party that aims to promote an open dialogue between residents to solve the issues the state is facing. The party seeks to solve these issues through “cultural and political activism,” and their top policy priorities are criminal justice reform, education and environmental protection.

As of July 1, the Non-Partisan Delaware party had amassed 1,163 registered members, which ranks fifth in members per political party in the state, trailing behind the Democratic, Republican, Independent and Libertarian parties.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (33)

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  1. puck says:

    “mixed feelings about this new political party [Non-Partisan Delaware]”

    Good riddance, we don’t need these squishes voting in Democratic primaries.

  2. Isn’t Will McVay one of the members of this so-called Party?

    Yes, yes I thought so. Running for 34th RD.

    Meaning, the Nonpartisan Party is an oxymoron that attracts morons.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Here’s a interview with “Non-Partisan Party” US Rep candidate David Rogers when he ran in 2020 as a Libertarian. LOL. (It’s very boring)


    In sum:

    “Different approach to solving the same issues.”

    Shutting down the economy for COVID prior to the vaxx was an overreaction.

    Government needs to “get out of the way”. (4:00)

    Not add restrictions to the economy, “people need to modify their individual behavior” (5:30)

    Where do we get the money! Hurts job creation! No new taxes!

    Healthcare (8:25) – the problem is government is already too involved and makes the prices rise (except every other country has more government and cost much less! Lol.)

    Used the old $300 toilet seat trope. Very nice. Market solutions… Incentives…

    (11:40). End qualified immunity for police (Good stance here). “As long as police can literally get away with murder, then they will.” End the Drug War rescheduled schedule 1 (also good)

    (13:50) end fines and fees as revenue stream for police. (v good)

    Focus on “good ideas” not partisan ideas.

    (15:30) – Make immigration easier – needs to increase (v good) and end civil assets forfeiture “police come in an steal their money” before trial. (v good)

    Good on civil liberties – horrible on economic issues. In other words Libertarian. No idea how this is non partisan. Anyway, David, hit me up. I’ll give you a full hour on the podcast.

  4. mouse says:

    I wonder if the republicans outside the theist patriarchal authoritarian states ever wonder why all the total nutcases are in their party

  5. liberalgeek says:

    The deal, as I understand it, is that the Libertarians have been taken over by the “Mises Caucus”. Many Libertarians think that these folks are racists and they (like McVey and Dr. Newton) have bolted the party and created the Non-Partisan Party. In PA a similar schism has taken place.


    • Thanks! As Al said, there’s ‘no sect so small it cannot have a schism.’

      The article that LG linked is well worth reading.

    • Alby says:

      I like the way Libertarians are the “party of only personal responsibility.” They’re anti-tax, so they’re cheapskates, and they’re anti-war, so they’re cowards, and of course they’re anti-social — until one of their kids is autistic, say, in which case they suddenly are all for government handouts for their special-needs kid. Your special needs? Fuck you.

      Who wants to grow up to be that?

  6. SussexWatcher says:

    There is no way that Will McVey attracted 1,100 people to register with this joke of a party in a couple weeks. That includes all the people previously registered as “nonpartisan” and probably have no clue that this party exists.

    It’s just like the IPODs – it is not possible that that many people support Wolfgang and the other clowns. They sucked in people who said they wanted to be small-i independents.

    I don’t know why DOE is allowing that to happen, but it apparently is. Voters registered with no party are designated as Unaffiliated. DOE needs to do some cleanup work and make that clear.

  7. Jason330 says:

    FWIW – Here is why I’m mixed. If this is “conservatives” who think that the “peaceful transfer of power” is important in a way that today’s GOP clearly doesn’t – then great! There needs to be a party like that. Or there needs to be more people inside the GOP making the case. But whatever weakens the fascist party, I am for. Also from his comments, I’m sure Newton is a “the peaceful transfer of power is important” guy.

    That said, this crucial shibboleth doesn’t really seem to be the main focus though, so on the other hand… fuck these guys.

    • puck says:

      If you think peaceful transfer of power is important, you vote for Democrats. Even if you have to hold your nose. Anything else enables the anti-peaceful transfer party. Including voting for third party candidates or not voting at all.

      • Jason330 says:

        That’s a good point. fuck these guys.

      • Ben says:

        The absolute shit pile that is the DNC is very keen on maintaining that dynamic. “Hey, if it’s not us, you get fascists” is literally their only sales pitch.
        That, and “please money us give now!”

        • RE Vanella says:

          We have a completely different pitch. Candidates for state house will be delivering it on doorsteps and stoops all summer long. I’m biased. But it’s a way better pitch.

          (Steve himself has been making this direct pitch recently on porches across the greater North Wilmington area. It’s good!)

  8. Alby says:

    For all their bluster, Republicans are the most cowardly shitbags on the planet. The Philadelphia Inquirer ran a story about screeching loon Doug Mastriano and how he has deleted various Facebook rants now that he’s a candidate for governor.

    Mastriano, true to Republican form, lied about it, claiming the videos were automatically deleted after 30 days — even the one that was posted in late June, and even though dozens of others are still there after 30 days.

    They just lie about everything. They voted against Biden’s stimulus bills, then took credit for them when their slack-jawed voters started seeing the money. They ban abortion, then deny it presents any problems for women’s health. On top of it all, it seems you can’t scratch one of them without revealing a pervert.

    Explain to me again why we want to share a country with these people.

    • Jason330 says:

      I’d serve on the partition committee

    • Ben says:

      I dont.
      Since im not pro-grnocide, I’d be happy to separate from the whole south, most of the Midwest, Cecil county….. this lumbering fetid hulk of a nation needs to end so decent folk have a place to live.

  9. nathan arizona says:

    “If it’s not us, you get fascists” is not the least persuasive pitch a party could have.

    • Alby says:

      I believe the metaphor for it is “thin gruel.”

      And the problem is that it only scares the people who pay attention. You need something positive to woo “independents,” which is our political term for “people who mostly don’t give a shit, they have their own problems.”

    • Ben says:

      Jesus nate.
      The fact that it’s their pitch is horrifying. They don’t even try to do better because they know they dont have to. THATS the problem. About 40% of this shithole nation WANTS Christian fascism. Another 10 -15% are too fucking dumb to understand whats at stake.

  10. nathan arizona says:

    I’d think that even independents would get behind staving off fascism if reminded that it’s coming. It would shake them out of complacency more than lessons on the proper use of pronouns. Convincing them that democrats are actually better for the pocketbook would also be effective.

    Ben: That leaves you with less than half. Have you just given up?

    • Alby says:

      If that’s what you’d think you need to meet more people. You’d be surprised how many don’t give a flying fuck either way.

      Look at it this way: Most people don’t care about government programs unless/until they need them. Most people don’t care about abortion until they need one. Most people don’t care about food stamps or unemployment or health insurance or anything else unless/until they need them — and those people are far from a majority.

      Add in the fact that a lot of people who would benefit from government assistance are told that accepting charity is shameful — these are your bucolics who would rather go without health care themselves than see “those people” get it for free — and you’ll find that your assumptions about how they think don’t align with reality. If they did Democrats would already be winning — I haven’t noticed any lack of articles about the growing threat of fascism. The people who care already care; those who don’t won’t until their own oxen are gored.

      As for pronouns, that’s not on Democrats, that’s on the media constantly pushing the small minority of voices that harp on it. They do that because it pisses people off and they therefore click on the articles.

  11. nathan arizona says:

    I bet Ben worries about pronouns. And if the media is just making up stuff about pronouns, the democrats should make a point of saying it doesn’t actually matter to them (fat chance). And the political opinions of French people don’t count over here.

    Also, If those “who care already care and those who don’t won’t” then the serious threat of fascism will be with us for a while. If there’s no more convincing to be done, we might as well get on with the violent revolution. I’ve never said it couldn’t come to that.

    • Jason330 says:

      Look at you thinking Dems have some sway over media narratives. Cute. I mean maybe they are keeping the powder dry, because I’ve never seen Dems influence the narrative.

      Think about it. One democrat somewhere (I think REV) once said “defund the police” and about a million Democrats said “Actually, no.” but the media had its narrative locked in.

      You do sound very silly sometimes.

    • Alby says:

      The media isn’t making stuff up, it’s emphasizing certain voices without bothering to ascertain how representative they are, or noting how representative they are.

      Of course Democrats won’t speak against it. If they do, the same people who want discourse about pronouns will find eager ears among the media.

      Who’s talking about French people? Most Americans know nothing more of politics than “Republicans good/Democrats bad” or vice versa. Most Americans agree “somebody should do something” about climate change, but that something should never, ever include the most effective measure, higher gas prices.

      French people are bitching because Macron wanted to raise the retirement age to 65, which the USA left in the rear-view mirror years ago. And if you want to compare engagement levels, the French turnout of 72% was their lowest since 1969. The US turnout of 66.8% was the highest this century.

      And yes, the serious threat of fascism will be with us for many years to come, certainly the rest of my life.

    • Ben says:

      I mean, I respect people when they tell me how they’d like to be addressed…. so, if that’s what you’re talking about.

      Ya know who else “doesn’t get pronouns”? The fascists you’re supposedly against.

  12. nathan arizona says:

    Jason: If Joe Biden announced that the democrats’ fuss about pronouns is overstated and self-defeating, you can bet democrats would take control of the media narrative. (It might also improve their election chances.) In fact, publications like the NYT, W Post and Philly Inquirer take some heat — often from liberals (not progressives) — for changes that seem to turn them somewhat into progressive mouthpieces. In this case, the progressives seem to be controlling the narrative.

    None of the defund-the-police cohort made a forceful point that it was a bad idea after all. If they had said that, the media narrative would have shifted. And the media covered support for defund the police as well as the opposition. Some progressives did say later that it cost them elections.

    And let’s see, it looks like the media is pretty thoroughly covering the democratic-led Jan. 6 hearings (thank goodness). Not saying any if this will save us, but it improves the chances.

    Alby: I only just now saw your post.

    • Jason330 says:

      Hmmm… Good comment. Why is it that Democratic politicians are legitimized when they attack the left side of base? That’s odd isn’t it?

      Or maybe it isn’t. Maybe the nobody who holds any real power wants it any other way. So, yeah. Biden should take a big old steamy dump on the left. That will be great for NYT editorialists and his polling in rural Michigan.

  13. nathan arizona says:

    Alby: You’re right, of course. It’s a matter of emphasis, not making stuff up.

  14. nathan arizona says:

    The issue was “democrats” controlling the narrative, Biden’s a democrat. But, yeah, man bites dog gets the headlines. If Biden said democrats haven’t gone far enough on the pronoun front (or some other progressive idea) that would also be a surprise and would become the narrative. Stasis doesn’t get much coverage.

    Ben: Anybody who doesn’t think like you is a fascist?

    • Ben says:

      Oh boy, you are charging down the redpill rabbit hole aren’t ya, buddy? I just made a comment and you made up a situation to be outraged over.

  15. nathan arizona says:

    I’m sorry. What comment was that? They’re so easy to forget.