Presidents Mitch McConnell & Joe Manchin

Filed in National by on July 21, 2022

Joe Biden would have made a pretty good President 20 years ago. The press would have liked him, and the GOP wasn’t completely bonkers yet. Oh well.

Play Offense On Your Home Field (And Act Like It)

One can focus too much on “messaging,” especially as there’s not much point in trying to call it from the sidelines, but my simple messaging advice is basically that. Act like you’re winning, that you’re winners, and the other guys are losers. Put them on defense.
People say they want “compromise” but the process of trying to get there, at least, makes you look like a wimp.

I suspect Trump, who was never popular, managed to avoid become incredibly unpopular simply by making everyone always react to him.

At the very least, the president should be the main character of the American Politics Show.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    Democrats Worried Biden Will Be Healthy Enough To Run Again In 2024

    –The Onion