DL Open Thread Tuesday July 26 2022

Filed in National by on July 26, 2022

Shorter Pete: Kathy is innocent until a guilty verdict has been entered by the Superior Court and she is removed by the Governor.


From: Vella, Lauren (LegHall)

Subject: Senate Concurrent Resolution 128- Auditor

Good afternoon Members of the Majority Caucus,

In light of the action taken by the Senate today with SCR 128, the Speaker responded to press inquires with the following statement cosigned by Majority Leader Longhurst and Majority Whip Mitchell. He asked that we share the full statement it with you directly as well. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I have attached the letter the caucus sent last week and the press release so you have it handy

“This isn’t taking decisive action: it’s political theater. I have no intention of calling the House into session to consider this resolution at this time. The Senate’s resolution would simply start a lengthy process to ultimately ask the governor to remove the state auditor from office – a request he’s not required to fulfill, and a request he’s indicated that he wouldn’t carry out at this time anyway.

“Going through this lengthy process will produce no different result than the letter our caucus members sent to the governor more than a week ago supporting him using his constitutional powers to remove the auditor at the appropriate time.

“The governor has stated that he intends to follow the Delaware Constitution, which clearly spells out the quickest and most direct process to remove a public official for misconduct: Once the verdict has been entered as a conviction by the Superior Court, the governor is required by law to remove the official. After the verdict in the state auditor case has been entered, the governor must remove her from office. That is as clear and simple as it gets.

“It’s important that the public understand that what the Senate is proposing is to start a process where the General Assembly would need to draft rules, give 10 days’ notice and then hold what amounts to a trial – where the auditor can be represented by legal counsel, call witnesses and present evidence. Afterward, each chamber would need a 2/3 vote to merely ask the governor to remove the auditor.

“Both options lead to the governor making the final call on removal, and he’s already said he intends to wait until a conviction has been entered, at which point he’s required to remove the auditor.”




Lauren CW Vella

Project 2045

If you are stridently “Pro-Life” you are probably also a racist with pants wet with piss over the idea that white people are soon going to be going to be outnumbered in the United States.

It may not be immediately obvious how the fight over abortion rights is tied to the “great replacement” theory — the debunked conspiracy theory promoted by some Republican politicians who claim that Democrats support more immigration to “replace” white American voters. But the explanation for, say, an alleged gaffe that overturning the constitutional right to an abortion is a “historic victory of white life” or a concern that not enough white babies are being born in the U.S. can be found in the history of the anti-abortion movement.

The movement to end legal abortion has a long, racist history, and like the great replacement theory, it has roots in a similar fear that white people are going to be outnumbered by people believed to hold a lower standing in society. Those anxieties used to be centered primarily around various groups of European immigrants and newly emancipated slaves, but now they’re focused on non-white Americans who, as a group, are on track to numerically outpace non-Hispanic white Americans by 2045, according to U.S. Census projections.


Only 49 days until Delaware’s primary. Are you doing enough to help further retire the retired Cops who rule this state?

Sign up to help knock on doors, or give an additional $20, $50 or $100 to one of these candidates today.

Becca Cotto State House, District 6
DeShanna Neal State House, District 13
Sophie Phillips State House, District 18
Cyndie Romer State House, District 25
Madinah Wilson-Anton State House, District 26
Eric Morrison State House, District 27


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (10)

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  1. Add to them the following:

    Shane Darby RD 1 https://shanedarby.org/

    James Taylor RD 2 http://jamesfordelaware.com/

    Kerri Evelyn Harris RD 32 https://www.kerrifordelaware.com/

  2. jason330 says:

    And oh yeah… Pete’s argument here is pure, 100% bullshit. He is mixing the impeachment avenue with the more straightforward legislative avenue. Thanks to REV & Bill for the actual journalism which lays waste to that sophistry.

  3. Mark Brunswick says:

    Something interesting is happening in Southbridge. The community and a developer negotiated a mutually satisfactory community benefits agreement. The city and RDC had their own objections and are moving to kill the project. No offer of conciliation to the community. The Delaware Way of changing the rules to benefit the rule makers rears its head. Tax breaks targeted for favored developers, privatized eminent domain, renter’s rights and marginalization of communities in the development process are issues for the next two election cycles. It would benefit other community leaders to take a look at what’s going on in Southbridge.

  4. Mark Brunswick says:

    Finishing the Alice Dunbar-Nelson piece right now but I’m following this. A good start is Amanda Fries article at delawareonline.