19 Years And Always the Same Dumb Bullshit From Establishment Dems

Filed in National by on July 28, 2022

I’ve been doing this for 19 years now, and the dumbest thing establishments Democrats have always done and continue to do after 19 years is try to game out how Republicans will react to things, and avoid doing things that they think will make Republicans angry, upset or sad.

It is astonishing to me that this is still facet of the Democratic Party’s “strategic” planning.  It is so knitted to the Democratic Party’s modus operandi that they are constantly asked about it.

“The indictment of a former president, and perhaps a candidate for president, would arguably tear the country apart,” (Lester) Holt said. “Is that your concern as you make your decision down the road here, do you have to think about things like that?”

Garland replied: “We intend to hold everyone, anyone who was criminally responsible for the events surrounding Jan. 6, for any attempt to interfere with the lawful transfer of power from one administration to another, accountable. That’s what we do. We don’t pay any attention to other issues with respect to that.”


Garland had the right answer, but it is a stupid question.  Nobody ever asks Republicans if trying to overturn an election could tear the country apart.   Nobody asks if taking away longstanding rights to reproductive healthcare will tear the country apart.  Nobody asks if continuing to ignore climate change could tear the country apart. Nobody asks if actively trying to tear the country apart might tear the country apart.

There are actual things tearing the country about that never set to be noticed for some reason.




About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (29)

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  1. Alby says:

    If they’re going to accuse you of it whether you do it or not, you might as well go ahead and do it.

    OTOH, if I hear one more white guy tell me they don’t like Democrats because they endorse “they/them” pronouns, I’m going back to France, where the debate last year was whether it was “le Covid” or “la Covid.”

    Well, TBH, I’m going back in a couple of weeks anyway. But I’m starting to get as tired of people complaining about pronouns as I am of people trying to repurpose them.

    • Marcus Jackson says:

      I’m new to DL. I’m black and I don’t like they/them pronoun and I hate that the democratic party endorses those pronouns.

      It’s a tough life you live out in Hockessin.

      • Jason330 says:


        People used to hate mixed marriages, but they got over it, or died or decided to suffer in silence. I’m sure you’ll find a path that works for you.

    • Alby says:

      @Marcus: Please show me the evidence that the Democratic Party “endorses” those pronouns, or has any plan to enact some law regarding them.

      What’s living in Hockessin got to do with it? As you demonstrate, intolerance is everywhere. I just mostly hear it from white guys.

  2. Ben says:

    Dems are running at Lucy Manchin’s football like it is going to be yanked away at the last second.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Admit it, if there was an alternative to the Dems we’d all take it. Sadly there is no alternative in America’s two party system, we’re stuck right here with them. That being corporatists like Coons, Carper and yes Biden. What to do? Damned if I know.

    • Ben says:

      Admit it? I won’t shut up about it. I know this much, I’m never voting for a “safe” democrat ever again. It’s definitely privileged being in a blue state, but it’s also good for my soul to not “have” to vote for useless fucks like our congressional delegation or governor. People I actually like get my vote and it’s just as pointless if I “vote blue no matter who”…
      And of lauren witzkkke wins….. thats Carper’s fault

      • bamboozer says:

        Yeah Ben, admit it, no one here is satisfied with the Dem party. Especially at the top, but very much on a local basis as well.

  4. Arthur says:

    Dems only care about getting reelected. They won’t rock the boat, they won’t raise their hands and they wont take a stand. As long as they can get reelected they can tout their experience. Not their accomplishments just their tenure. Every bill to benefit anyone is shot down by the republicans, yet those are the main talking points for the democrats. Republicans want a world of the 1930’s and 40’s. Democrats will be fine with that as long as they get reelected.

  5. David says:

    And now, all Democrats should be focused on what it appears America is focused on, which is the Economy. You can push the Overton Window in good times, but right now, most of America seems like they want work on things that have a direct impact on them and their family. And one thing is clear, the GOP is gonna play that for all it’s worth because it is a winning message. And for them it’s all about gaining power at all levels and once they achieve that, they will use gerrymandering to cement those gains. 2022 and 2024 will be about the economy and the GOP owns the messaging on that.

    I don’t know how you make inroads without acting like a Republican, but I know you won’t get anywhere acting like a movement activist, especially pronoun movement activist.


    • jason330 says:

      “… especially pronoun movement activist.”

      Thanks troll. But you are late to the party. This blog has already established that the only path forward for Democrats is to berate their most active and dedicated members into apathetic silence.

    • Alby says:

      Considering that the economy is against the Democrats, this couldn’t be a less useful idea. Saying “we have the ideas to fix this” when it went bad on your watch is a losing argument.

      The last time I checked, the US did not have a government-controlled economy. Of course, when even people like you don’t realize that the government can’t control inflation, what chance is there to educate people as stupid as Republican voters?

      My advice to you is to buy more Depends. You seem to need them.

      • Dave says:

        Why would I need Depends? I’m immune to anything the GOP might do. The problem is, most people are not. And the pronoun argument is not about pronouns, it’s about fiddling while Rome burns. And maybe that’s the answer. Let it burn and see what rises from the ashes. I have voted D longer than some of you have been alive and more reliably than a number of you. I’ll continue to do that, but I don’t hold out much hope, especially considering the comments I see here.

        • RE Vanella says:

          The act of people demanding the common decency and respect to be spoken to in the manner they prefer is going to lead us to full societal collapse says the guy who has voted straight Dem since the 19th century.

          So fucking dumb. Believe me, David. When I interact with the likes of old Boomers like you I also fight hopelessness.

      • DJT Toadstool says:

        The government may not be able to control inflation but big corporate tax cuts, large deficit spending and loose central bank monetary policy while the economy was doing well during the prior administration may have contributed some to the current inflationary environment.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    The pronoun activist movement murdered my family

  7. nathan arizona says:

    REV: Complaints about complaints about pronouns also distract from more important things like, say, the rise of fascism or money in politics. And you’re kind of a geezer yourself.

    • jason330 says:

      Who is doing politics right? The sober moderates or the unruly extremists? The GOP had the same fight and the unrulies won.

      Now the GOP’s unrulies are about the overturn the democracy but at least the sober moderates on the Dem side can console themselves that they beat back the Democratic “extremists”.

    • Alby says:

      We complain about complaints about pronouns because the Democratic Party has nothing to do with it.

      You could look it up. Find me where the Democratic Party platform uses woke pronouns. It doesn’t.

      The media reports that some people want new pronouns. The fact that this becomes the Democratic Party’s cross to bear shows that liberals are very nearly as stupid as conservatives when it comes to what government does and what it can do.

      To my knowledge there has been no law proposed anywhere that would change pronouns. I understand that Fox et al can use this “controversy” to stir up the rubes, but why so-called “centrist Democrats” fall for it is troubling. It is, once again, people saying “I’LL still vote Democratic, but this will turn off a lot of people.” I’m sure it will, and you have no proof any of them were going to vote for Democrats in the first place.

      I agree it’s small potatoes and, frankly, solipsistic for people to care more about their pronouns than all the other evils in our society. But that’s easy for me to say because my pronoun in many precincts is “that asshole,” so “they” would be an improvement. It really doesn’t matter to me.

      People complain about what’s important to them, so the fact that they complain about this isn’t really much of a problem — or wouldn’t be if the media didn’t choose to pick at the scab, which is about all our mainstream media really knows how to do.

      I never hear a politician talk about this, yet the media won’t shut up about it, and somehow the blame is transferred to politicians. If this isn’t evidence that the entire country is a bunch of morons, I don’t know what would convince you.

    • RE Vanella says:

      I’m only 47. Gen X dawg.

      The real political problem is actually simply distraction. Reactionary capitalist-cum-fascists have always operated this way. Naturalizing hierarchy and “tradition”. Society is always collapsing, and so forth.

  8. nathan arizona says:

    I agree the Democratic Party as such is not calling for this. But some people are and they are seen (by anybody who notices this stuff) as Democrats or Democrat-adjacent. Fair or not, stupid or not, this kind of thing hurts Democrats’ election chances at least a little (IMO). It might be nice if the media ignored this stuff, but it doesn’t, and the Democrats are left to deal with it. I hope they deal with it successfully.

    • Alby says:

      Deal with it how? Do you think they should put out a press release stating they disagree with people stating their pronoun preferences, or that they think they whole thing is silly? Democratic politicians, just like Republicans, say things they don’t believe, and fail to say things they do. It goes with the job.

      I agree with the facts you state, and your opinion about it hurting Democrats is widely shared and is probably true as well. But I see nothing that can be done about it, really.

      Democrats, or at least the liberals, stand for tolerance, which will always be demonized by the intolerant. Should we give up the principle for short-term political gain? I thought the goal of progressivism was equality for all. If some people take that in what you and I consider unimportant directions, well, it’s not as if they’re imposing some great burden on the rest of us, is it? There’s no actual penalty if you use the wrong pronoun, just a possible embarrassing moment. If people are going to withhold their vote over that, well, I agree once again with Yogi Berra — if people don’t want to come to the ballpark, nobody’s gonna stop them.

      LGBT people are facing real intolerance. The root of the problem is, frankly, religion. The degraded version of Christianity that millions adhere to amounts to little more than Constitutionally protected hate speech, and Republicans will use the First Amendment to rescind laws protecting LGBT people wherever they can. This strikes me as a much bigger problem than pronouns.

      You know where I see the pronoun thing? The private sector. When I look up university professors, for example, some schools include their pronouns in their CV. Should Democrats tell them to knock it off? How would that look?