DL Open Thread Tuesday August 2 2022

Filed in National by on August 2, 2022

We killed an  Al-Qaeda guy.  Huzzah for us, I suppose.  The Jan 6. rioter who carried gun to US Capitol got sentenced to 7 years in prison.  Didn’t Trump say he was running on a platform of pardoning all of these guys? (checks notes) Why, yes.  He did say that.

Two people were ound dead in charred car within California wildfire zone.  Sad but I wonder if they “believed” in climate change?  I wonder if the 200 missing and dead people in the Kentucky floods believed in climate change?   This line of thought is verging on very horrible victim blaming on my part, but someone needs to be blamed at some point and we can’t blame corporations, as that would be like blaming the scorpion for stinging, or the baby chicks for chirping.

Pelosi expected to visit Taiwan, Taiwanese and US officials say.

The flag of the Republic of China consists of a red field with a blue canton bearing a white disk surrounded by twelve triangles; said symbols symbolize the sun and rays of light emanating from it, respectively.

The flag was originally designed by the anti-Qing group, Revive China Society in 1895 with the addition of the red field component in 1906 by Sun Yat-sen in his speech. and was made the official national flag of the Republic of China (ROC) in 1928 by the Kuomintang (KMT).

By 1949, the KMT was decisively defeated by the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) in the Chinese Civil War and withdrew the ROC government to Taiwan, where the Kuomintang ruled under martial law until 1987.



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. El Somnambulo says:

    Stoopid DELDOT Trix. They recalled a vanity plate b/c of ‘perceived profanity’. The plate read FCANCER:


    It’s now in court. DMV doesn’t want to drop it, considers itself the Appointed Protector Of Public Sensitivities. This is positively Carneyesque in its blinkered stupidity:

    n December 2020, Overington applied for a vanity license plate reading “FCANCER” and received it two months later.

    In June 2021, she received a letter from the manager of the Division of Motor Vehicles office in Dover telling her that the plate “does not represent the division and the state in a positive manner.” DMV manager Levi Fisher wrote that any plate considered offensive will be denied or recalled, if issued in error.

    (DELDOT Secretary Nicole) Majeski stood by the decision to recall the vanity plate, saying officials must ensure that they are not approving license tags that contain “obscenity, vulgarity, profanity, hate speech or fighting words.”

    “Your vanity plate FCANCER contains a perceived profanity, the abbreviation for the word “F(asterisk)@k”, and for that reason, it must be recalled,” Majeski wrote, apologizing for the oversight by DMV staff in initially approving the plate.

  2. mediawatch says:

    Wonder what they would say if alumni of Fordham University wanted special plates for members of their affinity group?

  3. Arthur says:

    Should we care about an old man in Al-Qaeda? Great a bad guy dead but how many americans has AQ killed in the last decade vs. how many have been killed by domestic terrorists? I’ll celebrate when we start droning them.

  4. bamboozer says:

    As ever powerful stupidity from Dover, later I’ll feign concern. But must admit the bit with the license plate gets me, believe we all can agree FCANCER. Would also love to see a “like button”. And as ever let the drone fuckery begin!

  5. Jason330 says:

    Even with Trump running on a platform of pardoning the Jan 6 traitors, I’ll bet Coons will be able to muster some surprise, saddness and even shock when it happens.

    Like climate change, I think the thing that bugs me about the ongoing coup is that it is happening all out in the open, with people who should be doing something, doing absolutely nothing.

    For Coons the most pressing thing right now is promoting his bipartisan civics education bill.

  6. Arthur says:

    is jail really the best place for J6 traitors? wont they basically be locked up with like minded A-holes and can recruit even more?

  7. nathan arizona says:

    Maybe we should consider hangings.

  8. nathan arizona says:

    REV – ??? Nobody has been more against Trumpism and the threat to democracy than I have. We just disagree on how to deal with it.