Rupert Murdoch famously offered Gingrich a $4.5 million book deal in 1994. That started to smell a tad too stinky. If Gingrich writes his memoirs, he might consider as a title “The Audacity of Mendacity.”
It was Newt who pushed the ur-right-wing nutjob conspiracy that Clinton aide Vince Foster was murdered. That big little lie metastasized a quarter-century later into “Stop the Steal.” It was Newt who defended right-wing militias after Timothy McVeigh murdered 168 people in Oklahoma City. And it was Newt who, while leading a hot steaming mess of a personal life, fiercely agitated to oust Bill Clinton for playing hide-the-cigar with a 20-something intern.
More significant, perhaps, it was Newt who in 1990 poisoned the well by issuing a manual with 65 insults and abusive phrases for Republicans to deploy against Democrats: “traitors,” “sick,” “corrupt,” “betray,” “bizarre,” “pathetic,” “abuse of power,” “anti-flag,” “anti-family,” “anti-child,” etc. To a group of College Republicans he mused, “I think that one of the great problems we have in the Republican Party is that we don’t encourage you to be nasty.” Problem solved.
The purpose of his Devil’s Dictionary and his sermon on civility to peach-fuzzed Republicans was to inculcate demonization and to weaponize paranoia. And so here we are, in the era of “alternative facts,” QAnon, Jewish space lasers, anti-vaxxing, birthers and Alex Jones conspiracies about the dead children of Sandy Hook being ketchup-smeared actors in a government plot to seize our AR-15s. The Gazpacho police are watching.
Structure of the CO2 adsorption material. The blue part is made up of melamine and cyanuric acid, and the orange pendants are diethylenetriamine (DETA)
Uh, B-B4, transposing into the Giuoco Pianissimo?
Wanna Understand How The Fed Operates? No? Well read this interview anyway. So well-explained that even I understood at least 15% of it. Plus, you need to know about the ‘shadow banking system’.
All This Hand-Wringing Over D’s Boosting Extremist Rethugs In Primaries…pisses me off. First, it’s likely to work in quite a few races. And, second, it’s about time that we started playing by the rules that the other side has used for the better part of two decades. And, hey, we didn’t even have to bring in the Russians to do this. Besides, I’m all for anything that causes Chris Coons to chafe.