Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Monday August 8 2022

I has been pointed out that the US Senate is a dumbass institution where it takes 51 votes to protect private equity from taxation, but 57 votes aren’t enough to ensure that diabetics have affordable insulin. If the Democratic Party had any fight in it, they’d be able to murder the GOP on this pro-Big Pharma vote.

But speaking of people with fight in them. TODAY at noon at 8th & French Sts. Gather in solidarity with Southbridge residents. The Zoning hearing Monday evening will be over Zoom, but you can help let the City know that we know the racket they are running.

Also tonight…
As you know, Lydia York is running to be the Auditor for Delaware. If you want an Auditor candidate who will return both a high level of professionalism and respect for the public trust, meet me at Autumn Arch Beer Project in Glasgow.

Not only will you be raising money for a great candidate, but I’m sure you’ll get some quality face time with York and other people you may have some questions for.

Whether you can make it or not, donate here: 


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