Delaware Liberal

Coons’ Chickenshit Response to Chuck Grassley Fails to Mention Grassley

Coons is getting shit for his mewling obsequiousness in the face of Grassley’s insane rant telling Fox News’ national audience that IRS agents are going to be busting down the doors of small businesses with guns blazing.   Notice his twitter response addresses Grassley unhinged bullshit, but Coons is far too chickenshit to mention Grassley by name:
I’ve heard from Delawareans concerned about new IRS funding in the Inflation Reduction Act. Here’s the truth: for families earning under $400K and small businesses, the chances of getting audited shouldn’t increase. You may even get your refund faster. Let’s lay out some facts:
FACT: The IRS is not planning on hiring “87,000 new auditors.” What is true? The IRS has lost a third of its employees since 2010. Hiring more staff is intended to fill that gap and create a more efficient team that should be more responsive to taxpayers’ concerns.
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