Delaware Liberal

Why Corporate Democrats Hate Progressives

It’s very simple: They want all existing power structures left intact, they just want Democrats and their donors, rather than Republicans and their donors, atop the pyramid reaping the rewards.

Here’s a giveaway: Their oft-stated idea of equality is a society where anyone can reach the top. They never admit that while some few reach the top, the majority must live under the yoke for capitalism to keep stumbling along. Their program of equality is about equal opportunity to become an overseer. In theory they would be OK with chattel slavery as long as the plantation owners were Black.

The last thing they want is a society without a top. This is why they concentrate their fire on left-leaning groups that call for dismantling power structures — Bernie, BLM, doesn’t matter who it is or what the goal. They couch it as fear of alienating “moderates,” but they produce no evidence beyond their own inability to win elections, which they blame on progressives rather than their own yawn-inducing GOP-lite approach.

Corporate Democrats don’t run things nationally, but they do in Delaware, and look what they’ve done: funded the Future Underwater City at Fort DuPont. Ignored community input to dictate their own vision for Southbridge. Played footsie with landlords and polluters. How different is this from what Republicans would do? The proof that a functioning majority of the Democrats in the General Assembly would be fine with autocratic power is that they already exercise it to the extent they can.

For corporate Democrats, the real fear isn’t a future under authoritarianism/fascism — it’s one in which corporate Democrats lose their opportunity to assume the mantle.

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