A-hole on A-hole Violence

Filed in National by on August 21, 2022

Without mentioning the fucker by name, McConnell said that bad Senate candidates (hand picked by Trump) would probably lose because it is hard for terrible trump-y assholes to win statewide. Trump shot back:

“Why do Republicans Senators allow a broken down hack politician, Mitch McConnell, to openly disparage hard working Republican candidates for the United States Senate…This is such an affront to honor and to leadership. He should spend more time (and money!) helping them get elected, and less time helping his crazy wife and family get rich on China!”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. JTF says:

    “His crazy wife”… Does Trump mean his own handpicked Secretary of Transportation?

    What is it he said a bunch? “I know the best people. I pick the best people.” Yeah, about that….

  2. nathan arizona says:

    Without approving of anything else McConnell’s ever done, I was happy with his anti-Trump speech after the impeachment acquittal. Any Trump bashing is good bashing. It was a bad career move, but nobody here is cheering for McConnell’s career anyway. He’s a better republican than a Trump republican, but it’s a low bar.

    • Andrew C says:

      His approval ratings vs. election success are amazing. Dude has like a 60% disapproval from Kentucky but comes out and wins elections by 20 points or something. Trump can mock him all he wants but he’s the second most powerful person in his state behind John Calipari.