Deb Heffernan Touts Polluters’ Endorsements To Claim She Is An…Environmentalist?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 22, 2022

Not just endorsements, but a major award from the polluters.  Very reminiscent of Carney getting that award from the Chamber and carrying their water for eight years.  But, I digress.

Let’s first hear from Deb in her own words:

“I’m truly honored by the Chemical Industry Council Of Delaware for naming me their first Champion Of Chemistry.

As a career environmental toxicologist, I’ve made the health and protection of our environment my top priority both professionally and legislatively.”

That second sentence could have been true. In fact, should have been true.  It is, however, a bald-faced lie.

The Chemical Industry Council Of Delaware lobbied against every single significant environmental bill this session. Most sessions, for that matter. Because, after all, they represent the chemical industry in all its permutations.  They had a willing co-conspirator in Deb Heffernan, who buried two great environmental bills in her own committee, the House Natural Resources Committee.  Lest anyone need proof that the CIC lobbied against excellent environmental bills, you can see for yourself right here.  You will first note that the Chemical Industry Council Of Delaware is not even domiciled in Delaware, but in Washington, D. C.  Has the exact same address as the American Chemical Council which, just like the CIC, has consistently maxed out to noted ‘environmentalist’ Deb Heffernan. That address?:

Both are trade associations representing the chemical industry.  Environmental protection is not, uh, part of their mandate.

This session alone, both organizations lobbied against the following (you can follow along on the links above):

HB 466 (K. Johnson)The bill ‘defines certain facilities which will require an applicant seeking a permit for a new facility, or expansion of an existing facility, or renewal of an existing permit, located in an overburdened community, as defined in the Act, to provide an environmental justice impact report.’  In other words, seeks to promote environmental justice. Deb Heffernan buried it in the House Natural Resources Committee, which she chairs.  What did she say again?: ‘I’ve made the health and protection of our environment my top priority both professionally and legislatively.‘  I report. You decide.

SB 305 (Hansen): ‘Establishes a statutory requirement of greenhouse gas emissions reductions over the medium and long term to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions on the State, establishing a mandatory and regularly updated plan to achieve those emissions reductions and develop resilience strategies for the State, and requires State agencies to address climate change in decision-making and rulemaking. ‘  One of the single most important pieces of climate legislation to ever be introduced in Delaware.  Passed the Senate on June 9. Deb Heffernan buried it in the House Natural Resources Committee, which she chairs. What did she say again? ‘I’ve made the health and protection of our environment my top priority both professionally and legislatively.‘  I report. You decide.

SS1/SB 134 (Paradee): ‘Prohibits a food establishment from providing consumers with a single-service plastic coffee stirrer, cocktail pick, or sandwich pick or with ready-to-eat food or a beverage in polystyrene containers. SB 134 also prohibits food establishments from providing single-service plastic straws, unless requested by a consumer. Senate Substitute No. 1 for Senate Bill No. 134 creates the same restrictions as SB 134, but updates and corrects terms and definitions, and includes additional exceptions for both polystyrene foam food service packaging and plastic straws. This ‘exception’ was due to Our PAL Val Longhurst and Nicole Poore lobbying on behalf of a manufacturer in their district, Dart ContainerDespite Paradee’s concession, and despite the bill passing the Senate, both the CIC and the American Chemical Council continued to lobby against the bill.  Despite promising Sen. Paradee that she would run the bill on June 30 (same date as on the following memo), Val Longhurst, Delaware’s Most Corrupt Legislator, broke her promise:


HB 220 (Wilson-Anton): ‘This is the first leg of an amendment to the Delaware Constitution to conserve, protect and maintain Delaware’s natural resources, including its water, air, soil, flora, fauna, ecosystems and climate. This Amendment would create an inherent and inalienable right for all Delawareans to a clean and healthy environment. The Amendment would also declare that the State, including all of its branches, agencies, and political subdivisions, as trustee of the State’s natural resources. By enacting this amendment Delaware would join other States which have or are seeking similar provisions, in their respective Constitutions, creating the same inherent and inalienable rights for their citizens.  This is the Green New Deal.  The bill was introduced on April 28 this year.  Val Longhurst buried it in the House Administration Committee.  This effectively delays a Green New Deal For Delaware by two years, as the bill has to pass in two consecutive General Assemblies.

Deb Heffernan and Val Longhurst congratulate each other on killing environmental bills, and winning thanks from the chemical industry.

Perhaps now would be a good time to acquaint newcomers with the unethical partnership between Longhurst and Deb HeffernanHere ya’ go.  Got that?  With this bill, which BTW is now law, Deb Heffernan will serve on the same Ft. DuPont board that asks the General Assembly for money and, if reelected, will give that money to the Ft. DuPont project.  Deb Heffernan comes hat-in-hand to Dover to ask for money, and Deb Heffernan obliges Deb Heffernan by giving her, oh, a million dollars, at least, based on past performance.  A blatant conflict-of-interest. Except, apparently, to members of the General Assembly.  Heffernan plays the same bag-man role for the Riverfront Development Corporation, which was gifted a head-scratching additional tax break this year.

I haven’t delved into the activities of local lobbyists like Bobby Byrd and his family who have consistently opposed the same bills on behalf of their polluter clients and–donated lots of dollars to Deb.  OK, I will. The Byrds (plus Kim Gomes, one of their lobbyists) opposed the same bills as above on behalf of Calpine Corp., Chesapeake Utilities, the Delaware State Chamber Of Commerce, DuPont, and Koch Companies.  Koch Companies?  The Byrds call themselves Democrats?  They’ll take dirty money from anybody, and hand it off to lackeys like Deb Heffernan.

We’ve come full circle.  What were Deb’s words, again?:

“I’m truly honored by the Chemical Industry Council Of Delaware for naming me their first Champion Of Chemistry.

As a career environmental toxicologist, I’ve made the health and protection of our environment my top priority both professionally and legislatively.”

I reported. You decide.  BTW, her opponent is Becca Cotto, who has pledged to never accept a dime in corporate contributions.



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  1. Here are just a FEW of Deb’s contributors during the current 2021-22 cycle:

    American Chemical Council: $600

    Brian & Megan McGlinchey (Riverfront Development Corporation’s power couple): $600 each (Deb’s on the Board of Directors)

    Chesapeake Utilities: $600.

    HIGHMARK PAC (you know, the ‘Medicare-Plus’ folks): $300

    Mayor Mike: $250

    PHI PAC: Corporate PAC For Exelon: $300

    Rob Buccini of Chadds Ford: $600

    Rhett Ruggerio: Lobbyist for American Chemical Council: $600

    Healthcare Executives’ Action League: $400

    Gee, Nancy, do you suppose that we’ll find a whole lot more corporate lobbyists on that amended report, IF THE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS MAKES DEB SUBMIT IT?

    I do.

    I mean, the Byrds haven’t even shown up yet. Just some of their clients.

    • Nancy Willing says:

      Albence forced the issue. So yes, we will see the money.

      Albence got the Haffernan campaign to admit they need an amended 30 day report so keep an eye out.

      Albence, Anthony J (Elect_COE)
      Nancy Willing
      Fri, Aug 19 at 10:01 AM

      Ms. Willing—

      Thank you for your message. Following you initial contact with Patrick Jackson of our staff on this issue, I contacted the Heffernan campaign regarding the concern raised. The campaign is aware of the issue and indicated that they plan to file an amended 30-Day Primary Report to reflect funds raised and funds expended for the August 11th fundraiser. They plan to do this next week then the campaign treasurer returns from a vacation. Please note that the Department has made no assessment or determination, preliminary or otherwise, of any potential violation of any campaign finance law.

      Best regards,

      Anthony Albence
      State Election Commissioner
      Delaware Department of Elections

      • jason330 says:

        So this is going to be interesting. Since the donations are broken out, the report will be a clear view of the economics of holding a fundraiser at the Hotel Dupont.

        • El Somnambulo says:

          Yep. Because both the added donations and expenses will be reflected in the report.

  2. John Kowalko says:

    The “Chemical Industry Council Of Delaware” has intensely fought against any proposed restrictions to their “profits over poisons” agenda. For more than a decade I have sponsored and pursued legislation to protect the health and safety of Delawareans. For more than a decade the Chemical Industry Council and the American Petroleum Institute have waged a fever-pitched battle to stop every attempt to put the health and welfare of individuals over their own greed. These lobbyists groups and the corporations and special interests they represent are the epitome of a selfish and heartless attitude that is befitting of “ghouls”. The one piece of good news is that finally we were successful in passing a bill that protects children and firefighters much to the chagrin of these special interests.

    Delaware HB 77, a bill that prohibits the manufacture, sale, or distribution of children’s products, upholstered furniture used in residences, and mattresses that contain harmful flame retardant chemicals. The bill will take effect on July 1, 2023, and received bipartisan support.
    Why HB 77 Matters:
    Flame retardants are a class of chemicals added to building materials, electronics, and furniture with the intention to help prevent fires. Unfortunately, many of them are unnecessary, do not work effectively, and are toxic. Most manufacturers have already moved away from unnecessary uses of these chemicals, but there are other manufacturers that continue to cause potentially harmful exposures for people.
    Flame retardant chemicals are associated with serious health issues, such as cancer, neurological damage, and hormone disruption. Some flame retardants bioaccumulate in humans and cause long-term chronic health problems as bodies contain higher and higher levels of these chemicals. Firefighters and children face especially high risks from these chemicals. The number one killer of firefighters is cancer due to chemical exposure faced in the line of duty.
    Personally, I would consider being “honored/recognized” by these types of corporatist low-lifes as an insult to myself and my Delaware constituents.
    P.S. It was Bill Bush’s vote that kept 305 from being released from committee and brought to the floor.
    Representative John Kowalko

  3. Jason330 says:

    These types of single focus lobbyists have more than enough money to easily co-opt policymakers and state regulators.

    The award literally celebrates the “regulatory capture” of the Delaware House.

    Per wikipedia, “regulatory capture” occurs, a special interest is prioritized over the general interests of the public, leading to a net loss for society. That has clearly and obviously occurred in this case.

    • John Kowalko says:

      “Regulatory Capture” appropriately and accurately describes the “Delaware Way” in all of its foul smelling glory. Chamber of Commerce, American Petroleum Council, any and all wealthy lobbyists, developers, manufactured housing landowners, NRA, and a host of others who have occupied the shells of former humans like the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. They have more than willing hosts ranging from the Governor and his executive branch to his Grover Norquist balanced budget acolyte (Secretary Geisenberger) and those he surrounds himself with. They have more than willing deliverers of their message in both parties and the subservience of those Republican ideologues in the legislature is often matched by many of those in the Democratic wing.

      Representative John Kowalko

  4. Speaking of petroleum, Deb Heffernan, just in the last two weeks, pledged to no longer take campaign contributions from the fossil fuel industry.

    This (a) after having taken them for over a decade; and (b) with a month left in her final campaign.

    An empty promise if ever there was one.

  5. jason330 says:

    Speaking of “Regulatory Capture” when you hear a legislator refer to their paymasters as a “stakeholders” that a dead giveaway that they’ve been captured.

    • John Kowalko says:

      I prefer to identify it as “Regulatory Surrender” with emphasis on “unconditional” Hey what’s the big deal? Throughout mankind’s history we’ve sacrificed lambs, sheep, goats etc. so the “Gods” will ensure our successes. Why not constituents or millions of people or the goddamn planet. Here comes another election you self-preserving, spineless wastes of flesh. Nothing to see here.

      Rep. Kowalko

  6. The MoMo says:

    Deb’s environmental commentary also featured here, where she’s on the record as supporting a Green Amendment…

    • El Somnambulo says:

      Her actions spoke a whole lot louder than her words do.

      She killed those two key bills in committee at the behest of the chemical and petroleum lobbies.