DL Open Thread Monday August 22 2022

Filed in National by on August 22, 2022

22 Days to go. I’m in the 9th where there is no local primary so the only people on the ballot will be York and the convicted state auditor. Based on the vibe in the district I predict the following depressing outcome: Convicted State Auditor: 9 York: 8

That is hyperbole of course, but we’ll have fewer than 300 voters on primary day.

This person’s father is a real old school fascist.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (8)

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    A vote for Kathy is a vote for content.

  2. Jason: You really ARE in a suck-ass district for Democrats.

  3. State gives money to the needy…in this case, the DuPont Company, for a semi-conductor project the company could easily fund on its own:


  4. Kent says:

    Um most of the 9th RD has the 14th Senate?

    • Jason330 says:

      Um. I stand corrected. In addition to York and the convicted state auditor, the following people will be on the ballot at my polling place come primary day: Michael ‘Tater’ Hill-Shaner, Kevin Musto, Robert Sebastiano, Kyra Hoffner, and Sam Noel.

      I could say I haven’t seen a single sign outside of Smyrna, and forgot the contours of the district. Or I could say Ennis has been so inert that I forgot I was in an SD. But to be honest, I don’t know how i made that mistake so I’ll not offer any excuse.

      Anyhoo, I’ll be voting for York and Musto.

  5. El Somnambulo says:

    Um, there are 6683 registered voters in RD 9 who are also in SD 14. There are a total of over 38,000 voters in the Senate district.

    There are a total of 20,381 voters in RD 9.

    So, what exactly is your point?