Delaware Liberal

“Dirty Money Deb” must to go! Action Items

This has been a very revealing election cycle.  All of the bloated plutocrats and their paid-off lackeys in Leg Hall have been throughly smoked out.  The bought and paid for toadies like “Dirty Money Deb” Heffernan have even brazenly accepted awards for their service to her paymasters over the interest of their constituent.

Therefor, each of us now must dig deep and give some clean money ($10, $15, Whatever) to help defeat “Dirty Money Deb” by donating to Becca Cotto.

Similarly,“Dark Money Larry” Mitchell has demonstrated that he is in the pocket of special interest and have utterly ignored the needs of the people in his district.  Therefor take some time tomorrow who help DeShanna Neal break the death grip corporate money has on Leg Hall.





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