Delaware Liberal

Unsurprising News – Leader of major Texas Anti-Abortion group arrested for soliciting a minor

Luke Bowen speaking at the Right to Life Panel at the Texas Youth Summitt Sep 19, 2020. 

Luke Bowen, the Political Director and the public face of Texas Right to Life, was arrested earlier this month for solicitation of a minor. The Forced Pregnancy/Rapist Rights organization fired Mr. Bowen on the same day he was arrested.

From Vice:

Bowen allegedly “knowingly” solicited a minor online “with the intent” of engaging “in sexual contact or sexual intercourse or deviate sexual intercourse,” according to a complaint filed by Montgomery County prosecutors obtained by The Courier of Montgomery County.

Texas Right to Life is one of the most powerful anti-abortion groups in a state known for setting the anti-abortion agenda for the rest of the nation. As part of his work for the organization, Bowen had appeared on stage representing Texas Right to Life at a 2020 Texas Youth Summit panel, spoke to Politico in 2018, and served as its campaign treasurer, according to a Texas campaign finance report filed last month.

Via Boing Boing

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