“Sarah McBride to Primary Tom Carper” – Epilogue

Filed in National by on September 1, 2022

I was thinking about something as I wrote the other installments.  “I wonder what the asswipes in the DEGOP are going to make of this primary?”

Are they rubbing their hands together in anticipation at the idea of being able to run against a trans person?   Are they slobbering at the idea of being the assholes they are by deadnaming and mis-gendering McBride in every statement?  Are they somehow thinking that normal Delawareans will join them in thinking that if McBride wins transgender teams of softball players will try to gain an advantage in the state championship?

And, on a related note, will the sober moderate Dems be drawn into their usual vortex of “worries” that the “middle” will reject a trans person based on the DEGOP’s utter nonsense?

Well let me take those rhetorical questions in order.

Are they rubbing their hands together in anticipation at the idea of being able to run against a trans person?  Yes. Because they are idiots.  An open seat elections would give them a glimmer of hope, but for all the reasons I mentioned in the body of the series, they would be, indeed, hopeless.

I could go into how the Dem primary is the election but that has been proven and re-proven.  Whatever generic registration advantage Dems bring to the election, it  would be 5 to 10X amplified by the MAGA nutbag (Witzke?) they would inevitably nominate.   Even if they had a candidate that was remotely acceptable, I have no doubt that McBride would be dunking on them like the Harlem Globetrotters dunking on the Washington Generals.

Are they slobbering at the idea of being the assholes they are by deadnaming and mis-gendering McBride in every statement?   Of course. They are Republicans and have no platform to run on.

Are they somehow thinking that normal Delawareans will join them in thinking that if McBride wins transgender teams of softball players will try to gain an advantage in the state championship?     Yes they are thinking that, again, because they are idiots.

Will the sober moderate Dems be drawn into their usual vortex of “worries” that the “middle” will reject a trans person based on the DEGOP’s nonsense?  Worriers gotta worry.  I’m sure this series alone has caused a rash of butthole clenching among our sober centrist readership.

To all of you worry worts, all I can say is if you really want to worry about something worry about leaving your children alone with your church’s youth pastor.

Sarah has got this.






About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Ben says:

    The moderate asswipes will pretend their concerns are about her age and “ambition”…. something ONLY woman candidates gave to hear about. McBride would be older than Biden when he first metastasized to the senate.
    Moderate asswipes will also pretend their concern is about her “leftist views”….. those views I assume, being equal rights.

    Once the geneneral election happens, a majority of De residents will dutifly vote D…. that same reality is how we’ve gotten worse and worse versions of Tom Carper over and over again.

    She must run. Bernie is on his way out. Senator Palin, or Brooks is a real possibility. We cannot afford to keep clogging the pipes with feckless fucks like Schumer and Coons.
    The likes of Barnes, Fetterman, and McBride are what we’ll need in the coming years.

  2. Bob says:

    Also transgender people have run and won in purple legislative districts. Average voters don’t give a shit. And Republicans will get so caught up in their trans hysteria, Sarah would be left to be the only one talking about actual issues.

  3. jason330 says:

    Just looked in the spam file and the most recent comment from a DEGOP asswipe was regarding Sarah’s “real” name.

    What a bunch of dumb predicable fuckwits.

  4. Andrew C says:

    This is neither here nor there, but I find it interesting that they each have almost the same amount of Twitter followers. It just gets me thinking about her social media game and how she would kill it every day.

    I’m also not sure it’s her time, though admittedly the circumstances line up well. But, I cannot imagine she isn’t thinking about it, or have people around her asking if this is in the cards.

    By what point do you think she’d have to realistically decide? Winter 2023/24?