Delaware Liberal

Song of the Day 9/3: Squeeze, “Pulling Mussels (From the Shell)”

As in most songwriting partnerships with a strict division of labor, Squeeze songs always begin with Chris Difford’s lyrics.

“I always write to Chris’s lyrics,” Glenn Tilbrook told Songfacts. “And what’s more, I made a habit pretty early on of never reading lyrics he gave to me until I sat down with the guitar or piano. So first response is what interests me.”

When Difford handed Tilbrook a set of impressionistic lyrics based on memories of a holiday camp his parents sent him to in Margate (the one in England, not the one in New Jersey), you might expect something mellow or jaunty. Tilbrook instead set Difford’s vignettes to a jittery blast of power pop. In case you ever wondered about what goes on behind the chalet that makes his holiday complete, the title phrase is something Difford came up with for what might be described more clinically as digital manipulation of the female genitalia.

Released as a single from 1980’s “Argybargy,” like most power pop it didn’t prove particularly popular, peaking at No. 44 on the UK singles chart, but it’s one of the signature songs in the band’s catalog.

When Difford recorded the tune for his solo album in 2006, he gave it a distinctly country treatment.

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