Oops, She Did It Again: KMG Caught Lyin’ Big Time

Filed in National by on September 7, 2022
OK,kids, just take a gander at this screen shot that was captured on August 30, 2022 at 11 pm:
NOW take a look at her current Endorsements Page:
Ya see what she did there?  About a week ago when her campaign got word that the York campaign was gonna bust her at a press conference, she added ‘2018’ in front of endorsements.    Click on that link. Same set of endorsements.
She was claiming endorsements from four years ago as current endorsements.   To my knowledge, and I’ve checked, just about all of those who endorsed her in 2018 have endorsed Lydia York this year.  Several, in fact, including the unions, are dropping lit and knocking doors for York.  We know that the State Democratic Party and the Stonewall PAC have endorsed York.  You see that she basically tried to bleach out Our PAL Val’s picture?  Because, you know, Val called her out publicly?
Submitted for you just in case you haven’t decided whether you’re gonna vote in the primary yet.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Just flat out fucking lying. Disgusting

  2. Arthur says:

    I know I know, so trite of me, but it would think intentionally misrepresenting endorsements would be, I don’t know, illegal?

  3. Anne says:

    Or cause for a lawsuit.

    • Nah, stuff like this just needs to be called out when it’s spotted. The York Campaign was gonna do that–basically have representatives from the purported endorsing agencies publicly challenge KMG.

      But, it apparently got leaked, so Kathy basically added ‘2018’ to the website.