Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Friday, Sept. 16, 2022

Our Criminal Ex-President is spewing threats about violence again if he’s arrested. The irony is that we know Trump will be hiding in the basement if any violence actually occurs.

The unqualified judge he shopped for is still paving the way for his lawlessness to continue.

Voting by mail was struck down by Chancery Court, which ruled the change must come through a constitutional amendment. Let this serve as a reminder that Delaware has some of the most restrictive voting laws in the nation.

Queen Elizabeth II remains dead, but the freakout by left-leaning pundits over news coverage of her demise continues apace. None of these critics seem to understand that cable news execs welcome any visuals — even slow-moving hearses — that give people a break from the normal lineup of nattering heads.

I’m sure there’s more going on, but I’m too disgusted to dig it up. Add anything you think is important in the comments.

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