Delaware Liberal

I have no problem with Dems skipping so-called “debates”

I have no problem with LBR skipping out on “debating” Gomurph.

First of all they aren’t “debates” Murph, or whoever the GOP shithead is on the stage is just going to spew out some nonsense. Nobody in the audience is going to weigh the legitimacy of the various arguments and choose to vote for the candidate that made the most salient points. It is garbage. Fuck debates.

Prof Michael E. Mann
I declined to debate Koonin a long time ago. It’s a simple matter of Bayesian statistics. You get up on the stage with a charlatan, you signal to the audience a prior of 50/50. You have to spend the whole debate trying to work back to the true weight of evidence (99.999 to 0.001)
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