Would the end of the republic just hurry up and get here FFS?

Filed in DL Opinion, National by on September 16, 2022

I’ve heard talking heads on TV say that the DoJ doesn’t want to appeal the bullshit rulings they are getting from the Coons/Trump judge because it could end in the Supreme Court and the extremists court could just simply rule that Trump is still really President.

Can’t we just stop fucking around and get to that point? Let them declare him President and let’s take it from there. Being afraid of what Republicans will do or say is a bullshit strategy. Being afraid of Trump is what got us here.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (7)

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  1. Joe Connor says:

    This is why i’m outta here! Wheels up for first shopping trip 11/15. Like the loft style or should I go with a Waterview high rise?


    • Mike Dinsmore says:

      Very nice! Pity about that college dorm sized refrigerator, though! Washer, but no dryer. Guess you have to hang the wash out back, as with most UK houses. I wonder if there is a communal back garden. Also, how many miles to the nearest Tesco?

  2. Joe Connor says:

    Washer and dryer are same device it’s a power saving thing. I understand from my son that drying is pretty slow but I’m just one guy. Most of my choices are near a Tesco, Spar or a Lidyl. Actually, wasn’t considering that one but i found the loft concept interesting. This building is high on my list:)


    • Alby says:

      Having used them in France, I’d skip using the dryer altogether. Just hang the clothes on a rack and if that’s not fast enough for you, set up a fan to speed the process.

  3. Mike Dinsmore says:

    Now that’s a beauty! I guess the fridge is behind those tall doors to the left of the hob. Any idea what the rates (tax) would be on a place like that?

  4. Joe Connor says:

    About 2k Pounds, but Stamp Dufy ( transfer tax) is between 3-4% and not split👿 on the Republic side prices are higher but costs are lower so Dublin is still in the mix🇾🇪🇾🇪