Is Your Delaware State Senator/Rep a MAGA Republican?

Filed in National by on September 18, 2022

Most incumbent Republicans are working hard right now to cover their tracks and scrub their web sites of MAGA policies. That’s why we’ve come up with a simple endorsement type questionnaire for everyone living in a GOP Senate of House district. Simply send this easy, three item questionnaire to your state Senator or Rep and and unless you get back three “YES” responses – your DEGOP state Rep or Senator is a MAGA Republican.

Here we go:

1) Do you think Joe Biden won the 2020 election fairly?

[ ] YES
[ ] NO

2) Do you think rioters that broke into and vandalized the US Capitol on January 6th of 2021 are criminals and should be treated as criminals?

[ ] YES
[ ] NO

3) Do you think stealing top secret documents and leaving them exposed to discovery by the agents of governments hostile to the United States is a criminal act that should be treated as such?

[ ] YES
[ ] NO

Three simple questions. Unless you get three simple, unqualified YES responses in return, your DEGOP Senator of Rep is a MAGA republican.

I’ll be sending this to my Rep, Kevin Hensley and reporting his responses here.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (11)

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  1. jason330 says:

    FYI – This is the note I included with the questionnaire. Feel free to use/adapt it for your DEGOP Rep or Senator.

    Hi Kevin,
    As you know, President Joe Biden recently enlisted all Americans who believe in democracy to be on guard against “Extreme MAGA Republicans just don’t threaten our personal and economic rights, they embrace political violence,” noting that “(they) refuse to accept the will of the people,” he said. “They threaten our very democracy.”

    As a constituent of yours in the 9th RD I am eager to find out if you are a “MAGA Republican” or a regular Republican. So if you could please respond to the simple questionnaire below I would very much appreciate it.

  2. bamboozer says:

    To deface an old kids song “There’s a little bit of MAGA in all of us” , I neither trust nor respect any of them, and I dare say they return the favor.

  3. Jason330 says:

    Dave G. Lawson (R) S District: 15
    David L. Wilson (R) S District: 18
    Brian Pettyjohn (R) S District: 19 Senate Minority Whip
    Gerald W. Hocker (R) S District: 20 Senate Minority Leader
    Bryant L. Richardson (R) S District: 21

    Richard Collins Rep District: 41st Email:
    Timothy D. Dukes Rep District: 40th Email:
    Ronald E. Gray Rep District: 38th Email:
    Kevin Hensley Rep District: 9th Email:
    Ruth Briggs King Rep District: 37th Email:
    Wm. Shannon Morris Rep District: 30th Email:
    Jeffrey N. Spiegelman Rep District: 11th. Email:
    Charles Postles Rep District: 33rd Email:
    Mike Ramone Rep District: 21st Email:
    Danny Short Rep District: 39th Email:
    Bryan Shupe Rep District: 36th Email:
    Mike Smith Rep District: 22nd. Email:
    Stephen T. Smyk Rep District: 20TH Email:
    Jesse Vanderwende Rep District: 35th Email:
    Lyndon Yearick Rep District: 34th. Email:

  4. bamboozer says:

    Be honest, the Republican have been marching in lock step for 40 years since Ronnie Raygun, nothing has changed. They deny the truth (Hey! Sounds like corporate Dems!) but they are all MAGA to some extent and only the weak minded believe it.

    • RE Vanella says:

      BB is correct. 50 year neo liberal counter revolution. This is just the current form. I guess from a purely political standpoint maybe it helps clarify. But regardless of the brand and the trim package it’s the exact same thing.

      • Alby says:

        The counter-revolution always lasts longer than the initial revolution (cf. the Reformation/Counter-Reformation) but always fails to have the same lasting effect.

        In this country the misnamed “conservatives” have been trying to turn back the clock to the ’50s for 50 years now. I used to think it was because of the hippies, but I’ve come to realize it’s because of civil rights and The Pill. They — meaning inferior white men and their vassals — want Blacks and women relegated to second-class citizenship again, because otherwise their own mediocrity makes them the second-class citizens.

        But the worldwide movement towards nationalism/fascism seems more a reaction to the fact that national cultures are being subsumed by an international Western culture, much of it American. But not all of it is Western — notice, for example, how many “Third World” cultures are cited for recognizing a gender that is neither male nor female — so even nations like the USA and England believe their culture is being erased, even as it erases native cultures around the world.

        It’s almost as if the capitalists who promulgated internationalism didn’t think it through.

        • jason330 says:

          I used to think it was because of the hippies, but I’ve come to realize it’s because of civil rights and The Pill. They — meaning inferior white men and their vassals — want Blacks and women relegated to second-class citizenship again, because otherwise their own mediocrity makes them the second-class citizens.


  5. jason330 says:

    Still I’d like to at least give them an opportunity to salvage some dignity and self-respect.

    • Alby says:

      If they want to salvage dignity and self-respect they should investigate seppuku.

      One of the ironies of Republicanism is that they claim to love honor-based culture without ever displaying any.

  6. jason330 says:

    FWIW – I sent a follow up to Hensley and sent it via FB messenger to Mike Ramone. No word back.

  7. jason330 says:

    Sent to Dukes and Collins.