Delaware Liberal

Breaking News – My GOP Rep, Kevin Hensley, is no MAGA Republican

Frankly I’m relieved and surprised.   When I reached out to Hensley with the “Are you MAGA?” questionnaire below, I thought that Hensley would try to stonewall it.  Instead I got:

Hi Jason,
Yes to all three.


Nice!  Credit where credit is due.   Please everyone keep the ball rolling and let’s see how many Trump Republicans we have filthying up Leg Hall their treasonous ideology.


1) Do you think Joe Biden won the 2020 election fairly?

[ ] YES
[ ] NO

2) Do you think rioters that broke into and vandalized the US Capital on January 6th of 2021 are criminals and should be treated as criminals?

[ ] YES
[ ] NO

3) Do you think stealing top secret documents and leaving them exposed to discovery by the agents of governments hostile to the United States is a criminal act that should be treated as such?

[ ] YES
[ ] NO

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