DL Open Thread Monday September 19 2022

Filed in National by on September 19, 2022

Queen still dead.  Observations – Lots of uniforms.  Many, many, uniforms.

Whereas the USA has the ArmyNavyAirForceMarines(andCoastiesand Park Rangers) the UK as about 200 times more types of armed services including The Queen’s Royal Hussars and the Milton Keynes Bones Boogaloos.  

Many stories about how the GOP is now really leaning into being a religious cult (in addition to / instead of?) a political organization. I guess when you have no policies beyond empty-headed faith in your con-men leadership that is pretty much a religion.

Has anybody here heard Heisman Trophy winner, Herschel Walker, speaking? It is very unsettling to think that he may well be a US Senator.

Speaking of the Senate – If there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    A note on the Trump rally. The long shot shows a half empty auditorium. But American media tends to confuse fascism for strength.

    Bile & Hate = Strong / Peace & Calm = Weak

  2. Johnny Scarecrow says:

    The auditorium might have been half empty, but it was filled to the roof with ignorance and obedience. Those raised undead arms scare the absolute fxck out of me.

    It doesn’t take a simple majority for fascism to spiral. Hitler lost the 1932 election with 33% of the vote.

    It’s absolutely no coincidence PBS dropped the “U.S. and the Holocaust” doc now.