Desantis Prank Show Coming to Delaware

Filed in National by on September 20, 2022

I’m sure all the Delaware wing nuts will be high-fiving each other over this stupid bullshit.

Even more important now to get your GOP Rep or Senator on the record.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Of course REV was on this at 10:00am but I’m old, so that’s my excuse.

  2. Alby says:

    Letting us know in advance is actually an improvement over what they’ve been doing. If they just wanted to move out immigrants, they would probably get cooperation from people at the destinations. But of course that’s not the point.

    Just a suggestion: If someone shot the pilot, the next one probably wouldn’t make the trip.

  3. meatball says:

    Do they not realize there already are huge Guatemalan and Haitian immigrant communities in G-town?

    • Ben says:

      They don’t give a shit. There is also a huge magat population in Sussex. They’re hoping for violence

  4. Arthur says:

    So this is a chartered flight correct? So anyone who wants a free flight to San Antonio should be able to hop on, no documents needed correct?

  5. DJT Toadstool says:

    We need to get the state’s population over the 1 million mark any way possible.

    • puck says:

      And pick up that second Congressman, who will likely be a Democrat*. Thanks Florida!

      * if we still have an elected Congress by the next census.

  6. bamboozer says:

    Still a fan of early parole for felons that move to Florida or Texas, fight fire with fire, and in this case an escalation of ignorance and stupidity. Living in the country I see this as a Haw, Haw, Haw game for the slack jaws as a chance to “own” the Libs much like the now pathetic “Go Brandon” game.

  7. Andrew C says:

    It’s about to land at Teterboro in New Jersey. The obvious play here is to avoid the scene at Georgetown this would have caused, and instead bus them in the middle of the night directly to Biden’s Rehoboth Beach house now. Gross.

  8. Electra says:

    I have heard that all of the charities and shelters in Georgetown were ready for that plane to land and their phones were ringing all day long with people reaching out to help and donate.

    Those shelters and charities, BTW, are already overwhelmed with the large number of homeless and immigrants in the area, but figuring out how to feed and shelter waves of people on shoestring budgets are what these organizations do every day in a town with a median income of under $30K.

    Yesterday, a decision was made by the state to open the Stockley Center to house the immigrants – something that the DHHS wouldn’t allow for the 50-100 homeless people living in the tent city behind the Walmart on 113, or for the homeless living in tents along the railroad tracks in downtown Georgetown, or for the homeless families (literally hundreds of people) living in hotels around Georgetown who will be out on the streets October 1st when the Governor cuts off their money.

    Opening the Stockley Center to immigrants AND the area’s homeless would be game changer for the area – I truly hope that yesterday’s immigrant plane drama gave the DHHS some insight to the humanitarian crisis happening in Georgetown every day.