DL Open Thread Tuesday September 20 2022

Filed in National by on September 20, 2022

Remember to try and get your local Republican office holder on the record as a MAGA Extremist, or a regular Republican.

It is official.  Both frontrunners for the GOP’s presidential nomination are under investigation.  One could say that they are trying to weaponize crime.

Puerto Rico should be a state.  At least now the Queen is buried, some enterprising reporters might check out the climate disaster there.

First State Abortion Fund chair Kori Beaman joins Rob in the bunker to talk about the conception and function of the FSAF, how they plan to actually help people seeking abortions in and out of state, and what political changes need to be made to protect that right for everyone.

Show Notes:


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Because they have to constantly up the ante on the assholery, I can see this kind of story in our future:

    A Florida teen who became pregnant from being raped was lured to a Westboro Baptist church service when it was described as “affordable and safe abortion care” by prankster Governor Ron DeSantis.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    We have activists and support people tracking this flight and we’re ready to welcome anyone who needs assistance and services. Obviously we don’t have any details yet. I’m sure if further help is needed there will be multiple outlets providing information. Stay tuned into this.

  3. mouse says:

    What kind of maggot POS supports and is energized by the exploitation and abuse of refugees/ asylum seekers to make political points with the lowest common denominator of human filth

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Shout out to DE agencies Health and Social Services & Emergency Management. All our sources indicate that plans are in place for initial intake if anyone arrives.

    Longer term it seems like larger orgs will be relied upon. But please stay vigilant. Let no human being potentially trafficked here slip through the cracks. Be ready to assist if needed.

    It really goes without saying that every Republican in this country and in this state supports this action tacitly, regardless of what some random dipshit told Jason on those three questions. Republicans changed their position on vote by mail after Jan 6 because they are reactionary cowards who follow every MAGA trend.