El Som: ‘I’ve Got Some Money, I’ve Got My Legs, And I’ve Got Some Time. Any Suggestions?’

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 20, 2022

Why, yes, yes I do.  Thanks for asking.  Geography, of course, plays a part.  If you’ve got a good race close to home, consider doing some canvassing and/or calling.

Ho-kay, here we go:

Kyra Hoffner.  She won a 5-way primary to succeed Sen. Bruce Ennis in SD 14.  If she can garner the support of most of the other D’s in the race, she should win.  She’s infinitely preferable to Mark Pugh, who alludes to attempts to steal elections due to voter fraud:

*Protecting our Constitutional Rights, and standing firm against any undemocratic circumnavigation of the definitions that our U.S. Constitution explicitly assigns them.

*Guaranteeing free and fair elections, and making sure that no legitimate voter is disenfranchised by invalid votes or nefarious attempts to subvert the Democratic process.

In other words, a fraud himself.  I’ll also lay the groundwork for next time.  If you had even a credible showing in the primary, take down Lumpy Carson in 2024.

You can contribute and/or volunteer for Kyra right here.  As much as I’ve always admired Bruce Ennis, Kyra is a step up on progressive issues.  Let’s help her get across the finish line.

Russ Huxtable.  Flip this seat and it stays flipped.  Eastern Sussex is fast becoming a place of great opportunity for progressive-oriented candidates.  In some ways, Speaker Pete has impeded Democratic opportunities here as his vision (John Atkins, Kathy McGuiness) has been the overriding vision.  And a misplaced one.  Demographics are presenting D’s with some real chances.  None more so than in this district, previously represented by Ernesto Lopez.  I doubt that you could have drawn up a D candidate better-suited to the 6th SD than Huxtable.  Add him and Kyra to the Senate D Caucus, and you will have the most progressive caucus, House or Senate, ever.  Huxtable dominated the primary race vs. Jack Bucchioni, and only Kop Kabalist Steve Smyk stands in his way.  Yes, the allegations against Smyk from his Kop days are fair game. If you live near the beach, get your feet wet with this campaignIf you don’t, ante up some dinero right here.

Frank Burns. Perhaps the least likely, and most intriguing, D challenger to a vulnerable R incumbent I’ve seen in some time.  Yes, he’s overqualified, something nobody would ever say about smarmy incumbent Michael Ramone.  Can you imagine someone with this resume in Dover?  He is now running against the post-Roe repeal Mike Ramone.  Ramone is so vulnerable on that and so many other issues that Burns could score a victory in what again should be a blue year in Delaware.  He is a Bernie supporter and a dyed-in-the-wool progressive.  No weasel words in his responses. Here’s his answer to what he’s passionate about:

  • I am Pro-Choice. I believe ownership of one’s own body is the most fundamental right.
  • I am Pro-Worker. I believe that a living wage and corresponding benefits are the right of every full time worker. I support strong unions as a primary means of strengthening the middle class and achieving a fairer distribution of wealth in our societ
  • I am Pro-future. We need to look beyond our immediate horizon. Everything from climate change to emerging diseases presents us with challenges and opportunities. We need to be drivers, not road kill, on the road to the future.

Having said that, I’m having difficulty finding an online presence.  Part of it may be that there’s a Rep. Frank Burns in Pennsylvania.  So, if somebody can refer us to his online presence, please do so!  If you live in Newark, perhaps volunteered on Cyndie Romer’s or Sophie Phillips’ campaigns,  you can make it a two-fer by helping Frank out.  (BTW, kids, help me out, Paul Baumbach’s R challenger is Brittany Ramone Gomez.  You don’t think?…)

Keegan Worley.  The 4th RD, which was transplanted from Wilmington to Sussex, is a tough haul for the D’s.  But  Worley is a public high school English teacher and coach. I like his priorities:

As an educator and coach, Keegan understands how issues like inadequate housing, mental health, and lack of early learning opportunities, can have profound impacts on a young person’s education and life. Keegan is committed to addressing these issues and fighting for the most vulnerable in our communities.

This is a winnable district, although it  still has an R skew.  But a popular teacher and coach brings the right profile to the race.  If he wins, he’s likely in for the long haul.  Help make it happen.  If he loses, he’s already two years ahead of the game.  VolunteerDonate.

Dee Durham.  Nobody on New Castle County Council has been a stronger advocate for environmental protection and environmental justice than Dee Durham. A champion for plastics-free Delaware. She and David Carter form a powerful team on Council.  She is being challenged by a candidate right out of Chamber Central Casting.  As a first-termer, she could be vulnerable.  You can make sure it doesn’t happen.  VolunteerDonate.

OK, guys, we’ve got a month and a half. Let’s make it happen–and let me know where you’re spending your campaign time and $$’s, especially if I missed someone worthwhile.

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  1. Reev says:

    Good list.

    I would add Stell Parker Selby who is running in the 20th RD which Smyk has vacated.

    Keegan Worley is running in the new 4th RD, not the 20th. The new 4th in Sussex is winnable for Dems but Keegan needs lots of volunteers and support to get pulled over the finish line. Lots of voters who haven’t spoken with a Democrat in many years in that district.

  2. You’re right. Got the 20th and the 4th backwards.

    I’ll rewrite that portion of the article.

    Would’ve hoped for someone a little more–youthful for the 20th. Selby strikes me as the kind of candidate Mitch and/or Jane Hovington would have settled for. Am I wrong? Let me know.

  3. Harold says:

    Brittany Ramone Gomez is indeed Mike Ramone’s daughter, according to Instagram.

  4. A says:

    Stell Selby might have what it takes to win the race, but she’s no progressive. She ran for office before and was a registered republican.

  5. YES! Here is Frank Burns’ website.

    Without saying too much, he couldn’t HAVE a better campaign manager (no, it’s not me, thanks for asking):


  6. Joe Connor says:

    Rae Moore could use a bit of help

  7. Joe Connor says:

    So, a little anecdotal info on Russ Huxtable. I have been at my place in Ocean View since Monday. I was in Rehoboth yesterday and visited my cousin and her husband who lives in Dewey. They are enthusiastic about Russ, and she got a call before the primary and a flyer in the door but were not home when he came by. She is a retired judge and her level of anger at Pete surprised me in a good way. Signs don’t vote but when they are in yards the are meaningful. I was in Pete’s Neighborhood, Dewey and in downtown Rehoboth and I saw not one of the abusive cop’s but lots of Russ. A few bucks Russ’ way would be a good investment!

    • I honestly wonder whether Pete will even run a campaign. Who knows, maybe the Rethug knocks him off.

      He’s completely lost whatever political equilibrium he once had. He’s flyin’ blind.

  8. Thanks so much for mentioning Dee in this list! Check out her legislative successes and more, and contact her campaign here:
