DL Open Thread Wednesday September 21 2022

Filed in National, Open Thread by on September 21, 2022

Delawareans: Medicare is great! 

Dems:  Hey guys…Let’s privatize and fuck up Medicare. 

Delaware’s Retirees Utterly Screwed By John Carney 

The change to state pensioners’ health care plan caught both retirees and lawmakers off guard, which led to Democratic Senate leaders asking Gov. John Carney to push the implementation of the new Medicare Advantage plan.

The Carney administration has denied this request, citing contractual obligations among other reasons. Ultimately, according to a letter to lawmakers obtained by Delaware Online/The News Journal, the plan to replace retiree’s Medicare plan is already in motion and it’s too late to stop it.

The plan will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2023.

More Capitalists Behaving Badly

Special master to Trump’s lawyers: ‘You can’t have your cake and eat it’

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    New York Attorney General Letitia James has filed a massive civil fraud lawsuit against Donald Trump, Eric, Ivanka, Donald Jr., and the Trump organization. The suit follows a three-year investigation into the finances of the Trump empire. According to the legal filings, Trump and his cronies made “scores of fraudulent, false, and misleading representations” including lying at least 200 times about the value of his holdings. From CNN:

    In the more than 200-page lawsuit, Attorney General Letitia James, a Democrat, alleges the fraud touched all aspects of the Trump business, including its properties and golf courses. According to the lawsuit, the Trump Organization deceived lenders, insurers and tax authorities by inflating the value of his properties using misleading appraisals[…]

    James is seeking $250 million in allegedly ill-gotten funds and to permanently bar Trump and the children named in the lawsuit from serving as the director of a business registered in New York state. She is also seeking to cancel the Trump Organization’s corporate certificate, which, if granted by a judge, could effectively force the company to cease operations in New York state.

    Fuck CNN. “Attorney General Letitia James, a Democrat, ” Fuck you.

  2. John Carney and Claire DeMatteis: ‘Democrats’ Who Screw Democrats. Of course, DeMatteis is a Democrat of convenience who worked with Castle. Carney belongs to that Concord Coalition cult. Meaning, neither has any empathy. Green eyeshade bottom-line obsessives.

    A governor who will be most remembered for ‘budget-smoothing’, an idea that originated with Princeton preppy Ken Simpler.

    By far, Delaware’s worst governor of modern times.

    • John Kowalko says:

      Actually the idea was “birthed” by Grover Norquist and embraced by Finance Secretary Rick Geisenberger, Delaware’s Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable and the DEFAC committee all with Carney’s (and former Gov. Markell’s) enthusiastic support
      Rep. Kowalko

  3. jason330 says:

    Yeah. He is fucking terrible. Even in this his talking point is the fall back..”My hands are tied.” What a dick.

  4. jason330 says:

    BTW – “The change to state pensioners’ health care plan caught both retirees and lawmakers off guard,…(now) the plan to replace retiree’s Medicare plan is already in motion and it’s too late to stop it.”

    Bullshit. Kowalko has been trying to raise the alarm on this for a year.

    • puck says:

      I read Kowalko’s editorial but then could not find any actual proposal on the table to make a Medicare change. I guess that obscurity was the plan. Well played Carney!

  5. puck says:

    I am guessing retired cops are exempt from the Medicare Advantage switch?

  6. Arthur says:

    I am not a state retiree so i dont follow the news on this, but what is the problem with the medicare plan for them?

    • Bane says:

      From what I have gathered, instead of paying $0 and there being no oversight of provider claims or pre-authorization by their third party insurer for their medicare state subsidy. Now they pay $0 dollars and have to have their claims pre-authorized for medical necessity to access their state subsidy like every other government worker in the state and most government retirees throughout the country who use medicare. Apparently the state couldn’t afford to continue to blindly approve 100% of all retiree healthcare claims without any oversight. After a few retirees get tricked into having 4 MRIs in 2 weeks, I guess they figured they needed to put their foot down and try to control some costs.. …shocker.

      • jason330 says:

        Thanks “bane” of for-profit issuance co’s

        • Bane says:

          As though doctors and Christiana Care aren’t “for profit”? You’re basically advocating for them to continue to charge anything they want to taxpayers. Blank check for the hospitals. “Keep charging $800 for a pack of bandaids. We love you”

          General Assemby introduced numerous bills last year to protect black women from horrible medical practices in hospitals and when dealing with doctors. However, when involving seniors, Doctors are somehow all knowing, infallable, and beyond reproach? I swear some of you have your heads up your a$$es… and I’m sure some doctor is going to request 3 MRIs to find said head before they reccomend invasive surgery to remove it. Ha! All love though

          • Jason330 says:

            I’m swayed. The poor abused insurance companies. How can they stand it?

          • Alby says:

            How is that expense passed on to the state?

          • Bane says:

            Alby, since most state government retirees, like my mom, have zero costs for their healthcare, nowhere near the cost of what healthcare is today, that gap in what medicare covers verses the true cost of services is passed onto active state employees in the form of higher premiums and through random direct infusions of tax payer dollars into the state’s health insurance program. This allows for nearly zero out-of-pocket expenses for retired state employees, but higher costs for state government and active state employees. With the cost of healthcare skyrocketing for the last 30yrs, this isn’t sustainable.
            Legislators and Governors have preferred to kick the can and wait until the problem magically fixed itself, knowing that the current system was not sustainable for the long term. Espicially as people are living longer and the boomers start retiring in mass. Based on the NJ’s article, everyone had their heads in the sand until the credit rating bureau’s started threatening to reduce Delaware’s credit rating if they didn’t address this unfunded debt. In walks as El Som calls him, the “green eyeshade Governor” who never met a math homework assignment he didn’t like.

            I had to do some research because my mom was understandbly concerned. So instead of charging her and other retirees more or eliminating benefits to fix this problem as most states have done, they are just requiring that BCBS take a stronger role in managing her care. Which is understandably why people are concerned, as nobody trusts insurance companies. They now have to be a watchdog over the hospitals and the doctors, like they currently do for active state employees. Since Highmark gets to have greater oversight over the claims, they can reduce the cost of the total plan. The same way they oversee my healthcare as a teacher, and every other state employee’s healthcare plan, where we have pre-authorization requirments. Obviously, doctors and hospitals don’t like people checking their work, but its the way of the future. Ironically, legislators and other employees have pre-authorization requirments with their existing state health insurance and nobody has died yet. I don’t see the distruction of healthcare in this. I see a broken system and folks putting bandaids on it to stop it from completely falling apart. Just my interpretation of teh situation.

          • Alby says:

            I still don’t understand why the state is being charged for expenses covered by Medicare.

        • puck says:

          “that gap in what medicare covers verses the true cost of services”

          A hackneyed but very effective marketing propaganda phrase. It means “…versus what we would LIKE to charge.” It reveals the need for de-privatization and more cost reform.

          Colleges do the same trick, repeating “Your tuition only pays a part of your college costs” until it becomes embedded in our brains.

  7. bamboozer says:

    Speaking of Medicare Disadvantage would really like to know who was behind this sick game, and how were they paid for it? Probably more like a political “favor” or advancement for a bureaucrat. P.S. State workers will eventually hate Medicare advantage, and their doctors will hate it even more as it pays about 10% less to providers.

  8. Oof says:

    Can state employees go on strike? Seems crazy that they never do

    • RE Vanella says:

      Anyone can go on strike. See also… West Virginia teachers. No one needs to sign a permission slip.

  9. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    Mother is a retired Vermont teacher and was switched at the beginning of the year. First $300 is all yours. Then you pay 20% of the next $1500, max out of pocket is supposed to be $600. If you go out of network you are doomed. It is very confusing. She does not remember getting any notice of the switch. EOBs are poorly worded and structured.

  10. The State is saving money. How? By hiring a company to turn down thousands upon thousands of legitimate claims. Maybe you’ll eventually get your claim covered, maybe you won’t.

    But Carney and DeMatteis pretty much unilaterally decided that reducing healthcare costs to the state would be done on the backs of retirees and pensioners.

    And then lied about what they’d done. Carney makes Carper seem–almost human–by contrast.

    • puck says:

      The switch to Medicare Advantage is supposedly due to “unfunded liabilities” which have presumably been accumulating for decades. Our last four Dem governors were past Treasurers, Secretary of Finance (Carney) and Chairman of the Bond Bill Committee (Minner) and as far as I know never recommended actually FUNDING those liabilities, all the while basking in our annual AAA bond ratings.

      The bond ratings agencies looked the other way on this fiscal irresponsibility because it was understood the old-boys club would one day renege on the obligation instead of funding it.

      Carney of course waited to pull this as a lame duck, so we can’t even vote him out. And of course voting for the Republican would make health care even worse, and also everything else.

      So the path forward is to make retiree health care an issue in Democratic primaries. And to keep electing progressive legislators who will fund those unfunded liabilities.

  11. Joe Connor says:

    the ‘Check your zip code” bullshit ads by washed up celebs on cable are peddling this same crap. this is another time I’m glad I worked in the private sector1

  12. Nancy Willing says:

    Checking back on John Bloxom and the filing of Citizen for Thoughtful Government it is WHACK. I don’t understand it and believe it needs to be addressed by the dept. I will call tomorrow.
    It declares
    – zero starting balance
    – zero receipts eg no donated funds
    – $33,396.37 in expenditures
    – end balance of negative $33,396.37
    – Payee Central Grand $7,500.00
    – Payee Rosen Berlin $13,096.37
    – Payee Rosen Berlin
    Madinah Wilson- Anton Representative
    Eric Morrison Representative

    All payees at this address 1620 L Street NW 300a, Washington DC, District Of Columbia, 20036


    No donor identified and payee that includes the victims names of their smear campaign.

    Bloxom works for the LLC company CSC. He is paid to set up an anonymous LLC and puts his name as the registered agent. Then he sets up the campaign entity and files this ridiculous report. WHERE IS THE MONEY FROM? Even if it is from the LLC, the report must state that.