Mike Ramone – NOT a Dangerous MAGA Extremist

Filed in National by on September 21, 2022

Here are Ramone’s responses:

Yes Joe Biden won the election and is our duly swore President,

Yes those who broke into and vandalized the capital broke the law and should be punished for doing so,

Yes, anyone who would steal top secret items from our Government in any way should be prosecuted and treated appropriately.

There was also a cordial stuff, but I’m keeping this focused on the questions, so I left that out.  I also formatted it.

So… Ramone isn’t a MAGA extremists.  That’s good.

For the record, I don’t take these responses to mean that Ramone wouldn’t vote for Trump.  And I don’t think that this means that Ramone isn’t terrible person who no-one should ever vote for.  His party affiliation speaks very loudly on that question.  I realize that by simply being a member of the GOP Ramone is providing ongoing support to Trump and all of his anti-American craziness.

And yet I respect him taking the time to answer and I respect the answers.  Perhaps I want to think that there is a hidden cohort of Non-Trump Republicans out there who will someday return the party to the being the more subtly racist, anti-tax weirdos that they were pre-trump.

I also want to get the treasonous bastards who don’t trade on being moderate on the record, and I think getting these first few on the record moves me toward that goal.  So I’ll be continuing to send out the questionnaire and reporting the findings here.





About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (15)

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  1. Arthur says:

    Maybe this could all be boiled down to two questions to get to the real heart of the matter:

    1) would you vote for a serial adulterer, liar, thief, misogynist, racist as president?

    2) who did you vote for in 2020?

  2. Mike says:

    You’re making him sound tolerable when he’s NOT! He voted against HB 450 (assault weapons ban), SB5 (align state law with Roe vs Wade), HB 75 (removing limitations as to when an individual may vote by absentee ballot). He is no saint and does not represent his district.

  3. Well, Ramone took a walk on EVERY SINGLE abortion bill. He proved that those concerned about women’s health couldn’t count on him.

    Every person in the 21st District who supports women’s health needs to know that Ramone will not be there when they need him.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    I’ll mention again. All these guys are full of shit. Vote by mail would be a constitutional amendment. GOP passed the first pass & blocked the necessary 2nd pass after Jan 6. Gee I wonder why!

    Ramone… that Hensley character… all liars.

  5. Mike says:

    Pony up and volunteer for Frank Burns. This district can be won by someone who will represent his district (Dems: 8498 GOP: 5123 Ind: 5395)

    • Agreed. Mike, the one big difference is that Ramone did NOTHING to protect abortion rights. A ‘Not Voting’ is the same as a no vote.

      Should the campaign fail to make that point clear to all supporters of women’s rights, it will be political malpractice.

      Knowing who’s involved in that campaign, I don’t think they will make that mistake. Frank Burns is Da Bomb.

      This, IMO, is the single most important legislative race in the general election.

    • jason330 says:

      Calling Ramone a dangerous MAGA extremist is easy because of his party affiliation. But probably wouldn’t work, so from an electioneering perspective I don’t think this takes an arrow out of Burns’ quiver.

  6. jason330 says:

    “And I don’t think that this means that Ramone isn’t terrible person who no one should ever vote for. ”

    I really don’t see how agreeing with these basic principles (that it should be easy for all Americans to agree with) rehabilitates any republican who simply admits that they don’t consider themselves members of the Trump cult.

    And, for me, it is worth knowing which office holding GOPers regard themselves as MAGA and which do not.

  7. nathan arizona says:

    He’s no saint but he’s no Trump. Would we rather Ramone had MAGA answers? It’s like saying there’s no difference between Biden and AOC. There is none to MAGAts, but we know the difference over here.

    • Jason330 says:

      Republicans are much better at forcing members to vote in a block. So in effect, Ramone and Trump are much closer to each other than Biden and AOC.

  8. We have no idea if he’s a MAGA extremist or not.

    Even a bulb as dim as Ramone knows that he can’t say extremist shit and get reelected in a Newark-area district that would not be hospitable to extremists.

  9. nathan arizona says:

    Jason, El Som: Good points. I guess I’m just glad to see any republican thinking he’s better off appealing to relatively sane people instead of MAGAts, even if he didn’t feel that way himself. Whatever else, I think it’s good if not all republicans are MAGA republicans.