Divine Right of Kings

Filed in National by on September 22, 2022

I suspect that Trump doesn’t give a fuck about the American version of the Christian God. His supporters believe in that perverted theology and they further believe that Trump is a divine instrument of the American version of the Christian God. As far as they are concerned, Trump doesn’t have to justify his actions. If he magically declassifies documents, they are declassified. He is an instrument of God, like Noah’s flood. Legal arguments are pointless.

Backing Trump into a corner, the Special Master believes documents marked classified by the government probably are

The Special Master attending the Trump v USA classified documents clearing wants to know why Trump thinks the documents aren’t classified. Either Trump magically declassified them, which may be a crime in and of itself, or he stole a bunch of classified documents. The Special Master needs to know which documents Trump claims he declassified and how if he is to have a reason to believe marked documents that the USG claims are classified are not. Trump’s team doesn’t want to explain how or why Trump had these documents or how he declassified them. Either he claims to have potentially illegally and improperly declassified information, or he stole the documents. Which is it?

Apparently, the Trump legal team has painted themselves into a corner and now needs to admit to the possibility of one crime or the other. Trump has been very vocal about declassifying the documents but his legal team refuses to put it in writing.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Trump’s lawyers (probably) don’t buy the Divine Right argument. They are just trying to run out the clock until the after the mid-terms and the 24/7 impeachment of Joe Biden.

    As The Washington Post reports, Dearie quickly did away with attempts by Trump’s legal team to draw out the process and use every minute of the unnecessarily long time limit given by Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon. “We are going to proceed with what I call responsible dispatch,” said Dearie. In their earlier response to Dearie, Trump’s team wanted to walk through the process very slowly, not concluding until Cannon’s Nov. 30 deadline. Dearie, who has been special master in other cases, saw no reason that the process should last beyond Oct. 7.

    • Alby says:

      The impeachment play has become worthless, and will pay diminishing returns every time it is used in the future.

      The GOP’s dilemma is that they have to be do-nothings, because the stuff they actually want to do is highly unpopular. This is why they must end democracy.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Read this morning that Trump claims he “declassified the documents in his mind”, all hail the dear leader and his “mind” of mystery. As noted what the Republicans want is a greed oriented version of Gilead and the mandatory subjugation of women, as it’s what “GAWD” wants. Tremendously unpopular of not. (Note to the Evangelicals: There is neither an A nor a W in the spelling of god).

  3. Ben says:

    Hmm. Looks like the hand picked magat judge will have to replace the special master with a specialer one.

    • mediawatch says:

      When the need for replacement master becomes inevitable, Trump will beg for his final wish: a special mistress.

  4. Arthur says:

    All this TFG bs is getting old. I want him and his family pulled from the courtroom in handcuffs and sentenced to 5 life sentences.

    Plus the opinion of the 3 judges who dissected and then said Cannon is wrong and doesnt understand law should stop all future appeals.