DL Open Thread Tuesday September 27 2022

Filed in National by on September 27, 2022

If you listened to the recent Primary Wrap Up Highlands Bunker episode, you know the things that Democrats do that have a big impact. This is the other side of the coin.

Top Ten Things That Democrats Do That Have Very Little (to zero) Impact

10. Handmaids Tale Cosplay Protest.  

I get that you are angry.  We all are. But unless you are ready to go full on June Osborne just give it a rest.

9.  The “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho (someone/something) has got to go!” chant. 

Sorry. I hate this chant.  For the love of god someone come up with a new chant.

8. Means Tested Tax Credits

This is the worst way to enact some watered down policy goal.  It is complicated to explain to voters and utterly invisible to most voters when enacted.

7. Clintonite Candidates 

I’m listening to POD Save America podcast series about the Virginia Governors election in which Terry McAuliffe totally blew it. It is making me mad at the Clintonite/DLC Democratic Party all over again.

6. Calling Republicans Bullies 

Calling republican bullies doesn’t work because they get off on being regarded as bullies.

5. Bipartisanship 

Unless your name is Chris Coons, Nathan Arizona, or you have been living in a cave for the past 20 years you know that Republicans are not acting in good faith.  …Ever.  Period.  For fuck sake, stop giving them cover by trying to pretend that they are.

4. Appeals to the “objective” media 

“Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd‘s interview Sunday with Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace failed to follow up when the politician said there was pressure on her party to impeach President Biden if the GOP takes control of the House this November.  He never asked “Impeached for what?”  That’s your paragon of objective media right there.  The 4th estate is not going to save us.

3. Expecting “the other shoe” to drop 

There is no cosmic justice that is going to balance the scales.  Just get over that shit.  Trump is not going to get his comeuppance through the machinations of some invisible universal force that restores moral balance. Grow up for fuck sake.

2. “Calling on” Republicans to straighten up

When someone like Coons finds himself forlornly “calling on” some republican to atone for something he might as well be saying, “I’m a US Senator, so I’m supposed to say something about this, but really I’m an impotent coward.”

1. Accepting Conservative Frames.  

Because of our shit-ass political media (see #4) we are surrounded conservative frames.  It is just sad to see so many Democrats apologizing for being Democrats and/or try to address the “when did you stop beating your wife” questions that come at them constantly.   Be more like Rep. Wilson-Anton.  She doesn’t play.

Bonus – I almost forgot. There is one that rivals all of these in pointlessness.  That would be blogging.  

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (15)

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    All decent. I’m partial to #8.

    Say it with me, folks.


    (And it’s more efficient/cheaper than paying for a bureaucratic apparatus to oversee enforcing of the means test!)

    And everyone gets it! And if wealthy people get it we can means test it on the back end. Guess how? Here’s a hint. We already have the apparatus to do this.

  2. Arthur says:

    What is it with Texas politicians and running away? I thought texas was the home of manly men, not hiding out cowards.

  3. jason330 says:

    I forgot to mention that, beyond McAuliffe being terrible, the reason Clintonite candidates are typically so bad is that they LOVE #8.

    Also, too beholden to “stakeholders”

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Bipartisan principle here too.


    The government gives the bank money to “hire workers” so the workers pay tax. The bank pays very little to no tax. That’s market force neo liberalism. Davos Demon mentality

    • This fucking Private Prosperity Council is such bullshit. A scam to funnel public money to corporations. No FOIA, no public accountability.

      Carney Crony Capitalism.

      • Arthur says:

        And how many years till that tax money repays the gift of 2.6? And will all those new workers actually live in DE?

  5. John Kowalko says:

    Lawsuit filed against PEBC and DeMatteis and Cade.

    Press Advisory:

    For immediate release

    Tuesday September 27, 2022


    Elisa Diller 302-369-6756

    Karen Peterson- 302-999-7522


    RISE Delaware, a group formed to assist State Retirees in their fight against privatization of their Medicare benefits announced today that they have filed a lawsuit to stop the unilateral implementation of their insurance through a privatized Medicare Advantage plan.

    “The fact that retirees were neither aware of these changes to their benefits nor invited to participate in crafting this mandate is especially alarming when the facts support the reality that their Traditional Medicare plans will be secondary to Highmark’s decisions in matters of coverage approvals and treatment options,” said RISE Co-founder Elisa Diller.

    “The total lack of any transparency and the unwillingness of Administration appointees to engage with the retirees in crafting this proposed mandate speaks volumes to the failure of these individuals to fulfill their responsibilities to good and open government,” said State Representative John Kowalko, also a Co-founder of the group.

    “I have worked and contributed to Medicare my entire adult life. For the State to take my Medicare benefits and give them to Highmark who, in turn, will decide what medical treatments I can get, is totally unacceptable. My doctors should make decisions about my medical care, not an insurance company that increases its profits by denying and delaying treatment,” said retired State Senator Karen Peterson

  6. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    Hey, don’t mock legislators “calling on” other people to do something. If we’re not careful, they might pass a resolution or something.

    • John Kowalko says:

      See you at the rally on Tuesday I suppose? You can “call on” whomever you want personally

      Rep. John Kowalko

  7. Alby says:

    What do we want?

    Means tested tax rebates!

    When do we want them?

    In a reasonable time frame!

  8. Interesting says:

    You forgot a big one…. Corporate Dems always “supporting Small Businesses”…..with more Government programs and grants…rather than direct tax, regulatory, or meaningful benefits to the small business and owner.

    Small business owners love their community….they want to thrive!

    • Alby says:

      The best thing government can do for small business is provide for universal health care.

      • jason330 says:


        This one change would create an explosion of economic activity. Of course, large employers don’t want it because health Insurance captivity is baked into the system.