2nd Rally Opposing Privatization of State Retirees’ Health Care – Wednesday, October 12th Leg Hall

Filed in National by on October 6, 2022

It is just appalling what Carney has foisted on the state’s unsuspecting retirees.  And for what?  What’s his payoff down the line?  A cushy lobbyist job?   The backroom chicanery that led to this may never be known, but someone follow the money. 

Carney is untouchable as he will be skulking out of town soon, but this should be a campaign issue.  


RISE Delaware has scheduled a second public rally to take place on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, starting at noon. The rally will be held on the East steps of Legislative Hall in Dover. In case of rain, the rally will be held in the House Chambers.

The purpose of the rally is to allow state retirees and future retirees to demonstrate their opposition to the privatized Medicare Advantage proposal by the State Employees Benefits Committee. The proposed mandate would limit healthcare choices for retirees by supplanting the Medicare plans and benefits that they have earned and paid for throughout their working lives. Retirees should not have their health care benefits and access to doctors and treatments limited by the private, for-profit company Highmark Delaware.

The Wilmington rally on Tuesday was well-attended and enjoyed extensive media coverage, and hundreds of downstate retirees have contacted RISE Delaware to be able to show their support at a rally in the southern portion of Delaware.

“This is an opportunity for all retirees, their families and friends, to hear the truth about this attempt by the Governor’s administration to privatize their health care,” said State Representative John Kowalko, co-director of RISE Delaware. “We need to make our voices loud and express our anger and frustration with decisions made, in secret, that will cost retirees access to necessary healthcare procedures, doctors, and treatments.”

All 62 members of the General Assembly have been notified of this event where retirees will be able to demand the respect and loyalty they have earned and deserve for their years of dedicated service.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Not only does Carney have no soul. With precious few exceptions, he SURROUNDS himself with people who are similarly soulless.

    They’re ‘team players’.

  2. Joe Connor says:

    So, I am not a state retiree, and I am curious about something. Open enrollment is starting now. State retirees have a standard Medicare card. Can they avoid the Medicare advantage mess by just opting to pay their own Part B and Part D and buy their own supplement like I do.
    It’s not free the 3 bills combined run me about $380 a month but is it an option for state retirees?

    What I got from Medicare today:
    Open Enrollment is almost here! Remember, you can preview plans now, and make any changes starting October 15.

    Trying to decide whether to stay on your current plan or choose a new plan for next year? Even if you’re happy with your current plan, it’s important to check for any changes next year, and compare with other available plan options. You may even find plans that save you money!

    Preview Plans
    New for people with Medicare taking insulin: Starting January 1, 2023, plans can’t charge you more than $35 for a one-month supply of each Medicare Part D-covered insulin you take, and can’t charge you a deductible for insulin. If you get a 60- or 90-day supply of insulin, your costs can’t be more than $35 for each month’s supply of each covered insulin. Learn more about the changes to insulin costs.