It’s Official: Mike Ramone’s Daughter Is A MAGAt

Filed in National by on October 6, 2022

Which wouldn’t matter, except she’s running against Paul Baumbach in RD 23.

They say a picture is worth 1000 words.  So, allowing for the verbiage, this picture is worth 969 words:


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  1. jason330 says:

    You know… I think Mike Ramone might have been lying to me about not being a MAGA extremist.

    • Alby says:

      He’ll be whatever he has to be whenever he has to be it. A weathercock is stubborn by comparison.

    • Nancy Willing says:

      Jason doesn’t typically link to his sources for materials posted here but in this case, can we get the link? A friend just told me this is a photo shop job and it would be nice to be able to give an answer in the negative.

      • No, no you can’t get a link. Why would you need one? The photo’s legit.

        Even have the message she included with it. Not sharing that, either.

        • Nancy Willing says:

          Huh, this was a straightforward question. I can’t discern if you are saying your tip was the photo and a message from the candidate or a photo and a message from a female tipster. If it’s legit as you assert, I should hopefully find it out there somewhere. And if I can’t find it online anywhere I will assume it may be a fake. Or it’s been removed.

          In any case, your response is odd. It’s not as if anyone could know this was an anony tip. Maybe state it’s an anonymous tip next time.

          • No. What’s odd is your typical conspiratorial brain. The photo is legit, and the message wasn’t from any candidate.

            Actually, that’s not true. The message was from Mike Ramone’s daughter. Her very own words.

            Feel free to go out and find it somewhere.

  2. Nancy Willing says:

    Holy shit shinola. Two Ramones is a Nooooo. One Ramone is a no.

    Paul Baumbach is very well liked here in the 23rd District so bet money MAGA mini has zero shot at a win.

    Mike has a stellar DEM opponent in Frank Burns. I was on a zoom call with him about offshore wind recently and the man is brilliant. His character shines.

    I hope people are getting active in the 21st District to fight for change. We’re lucky to have this caliber of candidate on the ballot.

  3. puck says:

    Ramone fille has no chance but there is some logic to the campaign. Her big yellow and blue signs with “RAMONE” on them give Mike’s campaign some extra firepower in the sign wars in the adjacent RD, all funded out of a different campaign pot.

    • Typical Ramone pushing of the ethical envelope.

    • Ben says:

      Magats don’t run hoping to win. They run hoping to fundraise, lose, then fundraise off of that loss under the banner of “FAKE ELECETION”
      Shit, I should run as a magat in the 10th SD. I could use use fast cash from dupes.

  4. puck says:


    700 GOP MAGA candidates are running for state house seats, including 21 Jan. 6 insurrectionists

    Based on a DLCC report:

    Thanks Joe for calling MAGA out and making it possible for Dems to go on offense.

  5. Mike Dinsmore says:

    Truly a case of the apple not falling far from the tree.

  6. Paul says:

    Maggot is the correct spelling.

  7. George H says:

    This is 100% photoshopped.

    • Alby says:

      When one makes a pronouncement like that, one generally has to produce some evidence or be written off as a biased know-nothing. How about you?

    • Joe Connor says:

      100% Troll! Did you dive into the shallow end of Mike’s pool?

    • You’re 100% Troll.

      I didn’t include her words b/c I didn’t think they were germane, and thought they might be of a personal nature.

      Next time, Nancy, stop listening to the Ramone Whisperers.

      Are we done here?? You can get back to the Jewish bankers now.

  8. Karl says:

    It’s very easy to find on her Twitter. Also archived it in case she tries to delete

  9. Joe Connor says:

    The Twitter Machine is not that tough to find oh ye doubters:) She tagged Trump!
    Copy with pic:

    Brittany Ramone
    help us get our friend back from Mexico. went home to do it right and is stuck!#smallbusinessowner

  10. puck says:

    What explanation will mini-Mike give for her Trump/MAGA photo?

    1. What photo?
    2. FAKE NEWS!!!
    3. Leftist attack – send money.
    4. I was joking.
    5. Rescuing some very fine people from Mexico.

    • He already gave his explanation through a surrogate and an easily-influenced blogger:

      The photo is a fake.

      Which it isn’t.

      • meatball says:

        The Photo definitely looks fake. The hat and the trump banner do not fit the pic. I guess this is what we’ up against in the future….the deep fakes (of which this one looks amateurish. Don’t have a dog in this fight either. Weird that it would be on her twitter. Or….maybe she’s a fascist.

  11. RE Vanella says:

    Watching a bunch of retirees trying hard to figure out the Internet is a good time!

    Best explanation is that she herself doctored the writing on the cap and tagged Trump in to get that Donald RT. It was all the rage in 2017.

    But again yeah it’s right on her account. You guys deep fake yourselves! lol