Song of the Day 10/7: Cab Calloway, “Have You Ever Met That Funny Reefer Man”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on October 7, 2022

Cab Calloway recorded this in 1932, before cannabis was banned nationwide. Joe Biden didn’t undo that 1937 all by himself yesterday, but pardoning everyone convicted of simple possession is widely seen as a big step towards legalization. You can tell because stocks in marijuana companies went quite a bit higher.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Yes, have met the funny refer man a great many times and continue to do so. As I have stated numerous times the reason weed is not legal is not the opposition of the states hyper political cops, not the weeping and wailing of religion but because our able and gracious politicians are trying to cash in. Think RT. 1 when they were all trying to buy land to cash in. Yes friends, at some point the people get the politicians they deserve. And we deserve Lumpy Carlson.(Oh! The Horror!).