Delaware Liberal

Yo, Matt Meyer, John Cartier, and the County Cops: Help Knollwood!!

I’m writing this on behalf of one of the finest people I know. And on behalf of the residents of Knollwood who are desperately trying to rid their community of major ongoing drug dealing there.  Dealing that has gone on for years.  You are all aware of it.  And only you can change it.  You could and should have addressed it by now. But you haven’t. Please step up!

Well, not Cartier.  Personal to ‘Councilman’ Cartier:  Quit. Retire.  Your career-long failure/unwillingness to do ANYTHING to help the people of Knollwood won’t change until you GTFO.  Your office NEVER has done shit when it comes to constituent services other than to explain why they can’t/won’t provide them.  Your inaction is causing real heartache for the people who live in Knollwood, and placing them in jeopardy.  Stick your oversized checks where the sun don’t shine, and retire to collect your ill-deserved pension.

Matt Meyer:  You made a big deal about how you were gonna help Knollwood. Remember? Wasn’t that long ago.  Get sidetracked by political ambitions, or didn’t you ever intend to follow through?  Detecting a pattern here.  Fulfill your promises.  But most importantly, have the County cops leave prospective challengers to Franklin Cooke alone, and make them clean out the drug houses up there, shut them down, and, if they can, lock up the slumlords. Like, do it today!  Everybody knows which houses are the drug houses. Except seemingly the county cops.  Maybe they should, you know, ask somebody??!!

To Larry Lambert and Kyle Evans Gay:  I know that you have just had Knollwood added to your districts due to the recent redistricting.  I love you both.  Now’s the time to insist that all this Alphonse/Gaston crap up there has to stop.  Insist that the buck-passing cease, and that those responsible for addressing the issues there actually address them.  Except, of course, for Cartier, who has retired but continues to collect a paycheck.

If I sound angry, it’s because I am.  The person who I referenced earlier is not only one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, but I have never seen this person openly depressed or despondent.  Until now.  Until tonight.  It’s the government’s failure to provide help that has made this person feel that there is next to no hope.  Time is running out.  Do what you were elected to do: Help the people who need help.

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