DL Open Thread Tuesday October 11 2022

Filed in National by on October 11, 2022
91 members of congress have amassed fortunes through insider trading.  Democrats “solution” leaves a loophole big enough to drive a Lamborghini through.  

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Having held another KKK rally in NV I could have gone on and on about Trump and all the dumb crazy shit he said. But I hate the way he is continuing to loom over the country like a fat, dirty raccoon who has taken up residence in the kitchen while everyone mills around hoping he just decides to leave.

    • Alby says:

      Why are you insulting raccoons? He’s a fat, dirty Trump. You’d need a raccoon to be the size of a blue whale to approach how disgusting he is.

      Y’know all that hand-wringing bullshit about how it’s wrong to compare your enemies to vermin? Fuck that. These motherfuckers are vermin. And they know it, which is why they behave the way they do. They’re proud to be vermin.

  2. We all know why Trump is paying his lawyers upfront–so that he won’t stiff them.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Until Trump is dead and gone there will be no healing in this ship of fools, same goes for a brain dead and foolish electorate. As for insider trading good luck on banning it and then enforcing it on the high and mighty of the senate. And how about them Iranians? Seems it’s no fun to live in the Islamic version of Gilead, it’s also a reminder of what the Evangelicals would do if they had the power.

  4. puck says:

    Tulsi Gabbard auditioning for something… DeSantis running mate? FOX News?


    #goodriddance is trending. Her announcement is actually pretty watchable if you leave the sound off.