DL Open Thread Wednesday October 12 2022

Filed in National by on October 12, 2022
What the f&ck did Hunter Biden’s lap top do now? A “material risk to UK financial stability” sounds bad.   

Bank of England intervenes in bond markets again, warns of ‘material risk’ to UK financial stability

LONDON, Oct 11 (Reuters) – UK pension schemes are racing to raise hundreds of billions of pounds to shore up derivatives positions before the Bank of England calls time on support aimed at keeping them afloat.

The Bank of England plans to stop buying bonds on Oct. 14, leaving pension schemes scrambling to meet a collective cash call estimated to be at least 320 billion pounds ($355 billion) without a buyer of last resort.

The central bank on Tuesday made its fifth attempt in just over two weeks to try and restore order in markets, after a surge in yields on Sept. 28 threatened to overwhelm pension schemes that had loaded up on leveraged derivatives.

I can see why small timers could be induced to play the markets as if they plunking down chips on the threadbare rouletted table in some shitty Reno Nevada casino.   But pension fund managers?   WTF?  

Is anyone really going to put on the VR headset and sit in their living room pretending they are sitting in Les Deux Margot in the days when it was frequented by Hemingway and Sartre?   I’ll answer that.  No.  Porn maybe.  

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    “convincing us that VR is a thing”

    I’m so old I remember when they tried to convince us quadrophonic sound was a thing. Now it’s all mono – everyone has “a” smart speaker, not smart speakers.

  2. Arthur says:

    Zuckerberg has watched Ready Player One too many times.

    when is Musk going to be arrested?

    • puck says:

      Twitter never should have been a company; it should have been an internet protocol. In other words, you should be able to get your twitter account from any provider, instead of having to get it from “Twitter.com.” Like if you want an email account you don’t have to go to Email.com.

  3. Paul says:

    I think Dems should announce a nuanced decision to boycott all of Georgetown on Returns Day. Announce it loudly now to give hospitality interests an opportunity to respond forcefully to the City Council racists before the event. Changes made, Dems go. Changes denied, Georgetown hospitality suffers a major economic hit. Choose, racists…