Del Division of Corporations Needs to Stop Enabling Trump’s Crimes

Filed in National by on October 14, 2022

It is within the Delaware Div of Corporations purview to stop this bullshit. Will we?

Trump’s New Delaware Entity Warrants Asset Restriction, NY Says

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  • Former president has claimed lawsuit is politically motivated

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. The Division Of Corporations shields pretty much EVERYBODY from crimes.

    It’s long past time for the General Assembly to take back at least some measure of oversight from the Corporate Section of the Delaware Bar.

    Virtually our entire budget is built on gimmicks. Looks like we’re about to take a major hit on our escheat scam.

    Time to remove the veil of secrecy from our incorporation laws and insist that we stop being a refuge for criminals.

  2. bamboozer says:

    At long last it’s justification! Been saying Delaware was based on gimmicks since I moved here in 1974. Delaware was a tax haven long before the Cayman Islands got in on the racket and it’s only gotten worse over the years. Would love to see the state stop enabling criminals like Trump and far too many others, doubt I’ll live to see it, the same for the aptly named “veil of secrecy” that shrouds the incorporation laws.

  3. Arthur says:

    You expect the state of delaware to put morals over money? thats so cute.

    • The State Of Delaware is not a monolith. Legislators have traditionally given wide berth to the Corporate Law section of the Delaware Bar. Enough pressure, and that could change.

      I’m pretty sure that only Harris McDowell voted against their package one session because he couldn’t understand it. Neither could anyone else, but they just rubber-stamped it.

      • John kowalko says:

        I’ve voted against the package quite a few times. Rep. Kowalko

        • john kowalko says:

          Oh! And I voted against and on occasion got a few others to vote against because I DID understand it
          Rep. Kowalko

  4. Jason330 says:

    Bret Favre made the mistake of not doing his illegal shit in Delaware. It never would have come to light. And if, by chance, it did the Div of Corporations would have waved it off.

  5. Jason330 says:

    With this Trump II enterprise, you have to wonder if any crimes could be committed so publicly that they would force the De Dv of Corporations to step in.

    This is like a test case. A test that Delaware is bound to fail.