Arden Concert Gild Kicking Out The Jams…

Filed in National by on October 17, 2022

…with three great upcoming shows!

What’s your pleasure?

Comedy?  We’ve got Noah Gardenswartz, who did not have to ‘convert to Judaism for the jokes’ this upcoming Saturday, October 22.  Here’s a taste:

You want powerful folk/roots music? Mark Saturday, Nov. 5 on your calendar as Charles Pierce is one of America’s best:

“I haven’t been so deeply, deeply moved by just a person and their guitar like this in a long time.” -NPR

“Chris Pierce’s ‘American Silence’ is one of those albums that truly feels like a lifetime in the making”.-No Depression:



Featuring a great opener, Delaware’s own Sug Daniels:

And if you love blues/rock, performed by, IMO, the most telepathic trio in the blues world today, then head to the Gild Hall on Friday, December 2 to be blown away by Albert Cummings:

Tickets for all shows are available at

I plan to be at all three, but don’t let that deter you.  If you’ve never been to a concert at the Gild Hall, we’ve got great sound, great lighting, and great ambience.  Plus, we’re an all-volunteer organization, so we only bring in performers who we love.

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