20 Days to Go

Filed in National by on October 18, 2022

I really haven’t paid much attention to the mid-term races that have national implications.  I think Fetterman is going to win.  Based on…?

I think Herschel Walker is going to lose.  Maybe it would be more true to say, I hope Herschel Walker is going to lose.   Beyond those two races, who knows.   I know that part of my Que Sera, Sera  attitude is based on my complete contempt for polls and the science of political polling.  It may also be learned hopelessness in the age of ‘Citizens United’ wherein Mitch McConnell’s PAC can raise and spend $111,000,000.    What are my tiny nickels and dimes supposed to do in that environment?

As for the local races – I can, and should be, doing more.  But if I’m right that the Dem primary IS the only election that matters, maybe I’m not doing just the right amount of nothing?

So many questions.




About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Umm.. We only hope Walker, Lake and many others of the far right lunatic fringe don’t win, an incredibly stupid electorate is a good indicator that it could still happen. I have no faith in the American electoral process, to say it needs to be reformed is a priority, a priority I doubt I’ll live to see.

    • jason330 says:

      It seems pretty clear that the billions that are flooding into the system are keeping these Q/Trump campaigns viable. With a big enough checkbook, pushing the right buttons of incredibly stupid people turns out to be pretty easy.

      So Yeah. Shit is fucked up.

  2. Alby says:

    What’s disgusting is that Herschel Walker is the kind of caricature that Republicans think represents Black men — dumb, strong, violent and hypersexualized.

    That whites will vote for this obviously brain-damaged former athlete with no qualifications for the office rather than an intelligent person like Warnock shows the world what Georgia’s white population thinks of Blacks.

    • Arthur says:

      I think the people pushing and funding walkers campaign know he will be a rubber stamp to their wants. rural georgians will vote for him cause he a republicans and da gubment has taxes too high for their SSDI checks

    • DJT Toadstool says:

      If the GOP can get Herschel Walker elected, next they should recruit OJ Simpson to run for a New York Senate seat. They would be foolish not to capitalize on his popularity upstate and his football credentials far exceed those of Mr. Walker.
      New York is also receptive to Senate candidates relocating from other states to serve.

      • mediawatch says:

        In that regard, OJ is overqualified. He actually worked for a few years in Buffalo.

      • jason330 says:

        A political party that has confirmed that it is not tied to any standards, that is not interested in any policy or bound by any sense of ethics or dignity is capable of anything.

  3. bamboozer says:

    “OJ is overqualified. He actually worked for a few years in Buffalo.” Buffalo… I remember that…. AVOID!!! Unless you really do enjoy post industrial decay.

  4. SilentDoGood says:

    The rethugs have chosen some very bad candidates this midterm (Walker and Oz being probably some of the very weakest candidates) and the alignment with Trump and extremism on abortion is really hurting them in most sane parts of the country. As a dem I prefer us to face a trumpian opponent, but also remember 2016 when we thought Trump’s nomination was a near guarantee of a Clinton victory, well it ended up being a case of be careful what you wish for. Also don’t put your head in the sand, polls are important but also carefully understand that there are many potential outcomes and a poll is merely a best approximation of the most likely outcome, the tails on the distribution are still possible, just unlikely. FiveThirtyEight had a good group chat today on trying to outguess the polls: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/we-tried-to-outguess-the-fivethirtyeight-forecast/