Delaware Liberal

20 Days to Go

I really haven’t paid much attention to the mid-term races that have national implications.  I think Fetterman is going to win.  Based on…?

I think Herschel Walker is going to lose.  Maybe it would be more true to say, I hope Herschel Walker is going to lose.   Beyond those two races, who knows.   I know that part of my Que Sera, Sera  attitude is based on my complete contempt for polls and the science of political polling.  It may also be learned hopelessness in the age of ‘Citizens United’ wherein Mitch McConnell’s PAC can raise and spend $111,000,000.    What are my tiny nickels and dimes supposed to do in that environment?

As for the local races – I can, and should be, doing more.  But if I’m right that the Dem primary IS the only election that matters, maybe I’m not doing just the right amount of nothing?

So many questions.




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