Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Tuesday October 18 2022

The climate activists from a group called “Just Stop Oil” gained some visibility for their cause by  throwing Heinz tomato soup at Vincent van Gogh’s Sunflowers painting at London’s National Gallery.  That gave some people the vapors, but the world is burning, so fuck your vapors.

Speaking of the earth burning, you’ve probably eaten your last Alaskan King Crab leg.  Those crabs appear to be the canaries in the climate coal mine.  I’m not a big crab guy.  Our local crabs are too much work for too little of a payoff.   Alaskan King Crab legs are ok I guess, but I’ll survive.  It’s not like coffee is going away.

Oh wait, shit.

Even if currently declared commitments to reduce emissions are met, new research shows that coffee production will still rapidly decline in countries accounting for 75% of the world’s Arabica coffee supply.

No coffee (or rather extremely expensive coffee) is going to suck.  But it isn’t like we can do anything about it.  I mean the science is murky.  Climate Change denialism wasn’t cooked up by the the Koch brothers in a DC convention dedicated to creating a climate change denialism.

Oh wait…  

On June 5, 1991, an organization closely connected to Koch Industries held one of the world’s first events devoted to climate change denial. Meeting at the Capital Hilton hotel in downtown Washington, D.C., dozens of academics, many of them male, white, and balding, gathered to attack the growing scientific consensus on global warming that James Hansen had helped bring to the public’s attention only three years earlier.

Late Addition:




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