BREAKING: Court Suspends Delaware Conversion Of Retiree Health Insurance To Medicare Advantage!

Filed in National by on October 19, 2022

Well. This is a pleasant surprise:

Although–likely not to the Carney/Claire Concord Coalition Of Commerce Comrades.

It gives Pete another chance to kick yet another important issue down the road during next week’s Special Session.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Nice. Thank you, Rep Kowalko

  2. There’s more detail in the just-posted News Journal piece:

    Like this:

    “Judge Calvin Scott ruled that the state shall “take all necessary and proper steps” to ensure that retirees’ current health care insurance and benefits “remain in full force and effect.”

    And, this:

    “Emily David, a spokeswoman for Gov. John Carney, said the administration is “reviewing today’s interim ruling and our appeal options.”

    “We are committed to providing state pensioners high quality, accessible and affordable healthcare benefits, which the transition to a custom designed Medicare Advantage plan provides,” she said.”

    BZZZZT!! Liar!

    Which reminds me: Does every Carney apologist belong to a cult? “The Cult Of The Bland”. Hmmm, seems unlikely, but still…

  3. joseph p connor jr says:

    Kowalko is a Beast!!!!! Damn, Carney is going to need a hug after his day, As I chanted outside of Gander back in the winter i of 20-21 in support of inmates “F Claire Di…… !!!!!!!”

  4. bamboozer says:

    I’m glad to hear this and I’m glad for the state workers. Seems that Carney now admits he’s behind this sick game.