Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022

It’s sentencing day for unrepentant state auditor Kathy McGuiness. Prosecutors want her to serve 30 days and pay a $30,000 fine. Her attorney wants her slap on the wrist to be a $1,000 fine and nothing else, not even probation. Judge William C. Carpenter’s decision will either uphold or strike at Celia Cohen’s beloved Delaware Way.

Joe Biden promised to sign a bill codifying Roe v. Wade if Democrats hold onto Congress. That’s not as great a deal as it sounds — Roe stopped well short of providing full bodily autonomy rights. He’s also going to release 15 million barrels of oil from the strategic reserve to counteract higher gasoline prices.

Republicans are coming right out and saying they intend to hold the economy hostage to the debt limit deadline when they return to the majority. Mainstream media would rather talk about Trump, so most voters will be unaware of this next month. Kevin McCarthy is also hinting that military aid for Ukraine will no longer be forthcoming.

Britain might be going to hell in a handbasket — it might already be there — but their anti-trust laws are operating better than ours. Regulators there are forcing Meta, the new alias of Facebook, to sell Giphy.

Are you familiar with the world’s largest natural walnut forest in Kyrgyzstan? No? Well, learn about it now before it disappears.

The floor’s yours.

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