DL Open Thread Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022

Filed in Delaware, International, National, Open Thread by on October 19, 2022

It’s sentencing day for unrepentant state auditor Kathy McGuiness. Prosecutors want her to serve 30 days and pay a $30,000 fine. Her attorney wants her slap on the wrist to be a $1,000 fine and nothing else, not even probation. Judge William C. Carpenter’s decision will either uphold or strike at Celia Cohen’s beloved Delaware Way.

Joe Biden promised to sign a bill codifying Roe v. Wade if Democrats hold onto Congress. That’s not as great a deal as it sounds — Roe stopped well short of providing full bodily autonomy rights. He’s also going to release 15 million barrels of oil from the strategic reserve to counteract higher gasoline prices.

Republicans are coming right out and saying they intend to hold the economy hostage to the debt limit deadline when they return to the majority. Mainstream media would rather talk about Trump, so most voters will be unaware of this next month. Kevin McCarthy is also hinting that military aid for Ukraine will no longer be forthcoming.

Britain might be going to hell in a handbasket — it might already be there — but their anti-trust laws are operating better than ours. Regulators there are forcing Meta, the new alias of Facebook, to sell Giphy.

Are you familiar with the world’s largest natural walnut forest in Kyrgyzstan? No? Well, learn about it now before it disappears.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Re – Republicans planing to hold the economy hostage and end military aid for Ukraine. Add those items to prior promises to restrict voting rights and federalize the “no exceptions abortion ban”.

    The one thing you can’t accuse Republicans of is pulling their shit in secret.

  2. With KMG’s imminent sentencing, John Carney can act to remove her.

    The General Assembly could remove her at their Special Session next week.

    The alternative is to leave someone without any guardrails whatsoever to remain in office until January. She wouldn’t DREAM of lining her and her family’s pockets with taxpayer dollars any more than she already has.

    Would she?

    • The MoMo says:

      Great point about the special session… I support them going in, but it is largely symbolic since the contract is closed, so it would make sense if there is something bigger at play here. The News Journal reported that KMG already was pushing her Deputy to hire her back if she is removed from office, which may be big enough evidence of future risk to get Carney moving.

      • You’re right. They’re basically gonna try to create watchdogs to make sure that Highmark doesn’t abuse the retirees too badly.

        I STILL don’t know how all this happened, and I’d sure like to know.

  3. BTW, word on the street is that Speaker Pete is the ONLY Democratic elected official who has not withdrawn from riding in those Confederacy-festooned vehicles at Return Day.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Just spoke to Steve Wood, esquire. Lot of tension in courthouse.

  5. bamboozer says:

    “I STILL don’t know how all this happened, and I’d sure like to know.”

    ME TOO! Feel free to tell me money didn’t change hands at some point.

  6. puck says:

    Carney pardons someone for weed with lightning speed! Arrested last Thursday, pardoned by Wednesday and expunged. A strange story, given Carney’s legalization veto and the cop cabal.

    Driver charged for drugs after traffic stop

    EDITOR’S NOTE: A***** R****, who pleaded guilty to three drug-related charges in this case, was later pardoned by the governor and had has since had her criminal record expunged.

    A woman was arrested in Dover after a traffic stop early Thursday led to discovery of drugs in her car, city police said.

    Why do I get the feeling Carney did the right thing for the wrong reason?

    • puck says:

      Maybe not so strange; I missed Carney’s earlier statement that he would answer Biden’s call to pardon people for simple possession.

      How ’bout that? May this pardon be the first of many! And may they include some black people too!


    • Alby says:

      Now we need to get police to stop wasting everybody’s time, especially theirs, searching cars for drugs.

      France has no traffic cops but lots of traffic cameras. Speeding tickets are mailed out to speeders. France’s drug laws are pretty strict — there’s no legal marijuana of any kind, the health service will send you for a two-week stay at a natural spring spa but can’t prescribe a joint — but they don’t waste time or criminalize people of a certain skin color by playing Easter egg hunt based on the “odor of marijuana.”

      The criminalization of drugs is a jobs program for cops and prosecutors and always has been. “Defund the police” is something that would happen naturally if we just stopped pretending this was about drugs and admitted it was about locking up the Blacks. We created these “criminals” with a wave of our hand, and we can decriminalize them just as easily.

      Anyone who objects is welcome to study the case of Portugal before responding.