If White People Are So Smart…

Filed in National by on October 20, 2022

…then why do they make up almost the entire audience for obvious grifters like Donald Trump?

Sorry, Whities, but based on the available evidence you’re the dumbest motherfuckers alive. And the funny part is that white conservatives want to claim superior status not based on their own accomplishments, but the accomplishments of other pale-skinned people. They, of course, are too stupid to understand that.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Here in a semi rural area I must agree, the stupid is strong with the white race, the males in particular. They fly Confederate flags and think their cool, even though their relatives most likely fought for the north, that and they drive monster tucks and complain about the price of gasoline. But now their worried, hence the rise of the white supremacists and activist religions like the Evangelicals, and an intensified love of guns and slogans about “taking back” the subject of your choice. But the end is in sight here, even in areas far down state, as the rest of the nation decides Delaware is a good place to be. To which I add almost.