Song of the Day 10/21: Frank Zappa and the Mothers, “Call Any Vegetable”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, International by on October 21, 2022

Queen-killer Liz Truss was doomed from the moment the Daily Star livestreamed her photo next to a head of lettuce, with a caption asking which would last longer. The smart money was always on the lettuce — one wag wanted to know how it voted on Brexit, leaf or romaine? — because vegetables have been around a lot longer than animals (though not so long as minerals). Sure enough, within a week Truss was looking not so fresh.

The lesson is clear: Don’t fuck with the Vegetable Kingdom. In that regard Frank Zappa was way ahead of his time, as evidenced by this 1971 performance with Mark Volman and Howard Kaylan (Flo and Eddie) fronting the band. The ad-libbed spoken bit at the end varied with the locale, but they were right at home for this show at UCLA’s Pauley Pavilion.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Love this song and this album. Alby, your on as roll here, also love the post on Fine Young Cannibals yesterday.