Delaware Liberal

Mike Pence is a History Doofus

Mike Pence wants America to be a Christian country. He doesn’t appear to know that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States both products of the Enlightenment. He also doesn’t seem to know that the framers of the Republic really didn’t want a state religion. I don’t know if Pence has even heard of the enlightenment.

He did get one thing right in this interview. Can you spot it?

“Well, the radical left believes that the freedom of religion is the freedom from religion. But it’s nothing the American founders ever thought of or generations of Americans fought to defend,” Pence said.

And then he said this.

“You know, I said today here in Houston that the source of our nation’s greatness has always been our faith in God, our freedom, and our vast natural resources. And the good news is, that after four years of the Trump-Pence administration, I’m confident that we have a pro-religious freedom majority on the Supreme Court of the United States. And I’m confident that come Election Day, November the 8th, you’re gonna see that freedom majority around the country turn out and vote pro-freedom majorities in the House, and in the Senate, and in statehouses around the country.

“So stay tuned, Larry. Help is on the way.”

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