8-Day Campaign Finance Report Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 1, 2022

I’ll do my best to share the highlights with you. Please do the same.

Shoutout to Spiros Mantzavinos.  Maxed out to Russ Huxtable, Kyra Hoffner and DeShanna Neal.

I notice an early trend.  The Trone family is throwing some $$’s around.  They must want some additional legislation for their Total Wines stores.

Stephanie Bolden (!) donated to Kendra Johnson, Rae Moore and Kerri Evelyn Harris.  This is the first time I can ever recall her sharing her wealth with other legislators and candidates.

Sherry Dorsey Walker maxed out to Lydia York.

Deb Heffernan didn’t donate to anybody, despite having over a $66K balance.

Terrell Williams blew his wad at least a month ago.  Went into the home stretch with something like $3K remaining.  Not the way to compete with Kevin Hensley.

Parsimonious Pete Schwartzkopf donated to Russ Huxtable and Kerri Evelyn Harris.  That’s it.  Sitting on over $134K in his account.

Lumpy Carson didn’t spend a penny of his $40K balance for Kyra Hoffner or for any other candidate.  He must be primaried in 2024.

I’ll keep adding as other reports get uploaded to the system–unless Sarah McBride’s 8-day causes the system to crash like her 30-day report did.


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  1. Joe Connor says:

    I made my DELETE Pete case in the open thread an seeing it again pisses me off again :). I find it interesting the Dorsey Walker understood she needed redemption from her KMG shenanigans. I for one will not forget. I am super impressed by Sarah’s protect the Senate email splitting donations between Kyra, and Russ and Laura who is facing a shitstorm of money being thrown at her opponent.

  2. nunya says:

    Hearing that Kittila may be giving Sturgeon a run for her money in the 4th. The registration totals are certainly a little more concerning for Laura. Any thoughts on this race? I just kicked in a few bucks. Her folks have been hitting doors nonstop for months, so I hope that does the job.

    • There’s no doubt that what remains of the Greenville Rethugs are trying to flip the seat. Lotsa money going into that race.

      However, Lavelle spent a shitload of money in his losing race in 2018, and the registration has shifted markedly towards the D’s since then:

      2018: 12,978 D; 11,959 R; 9268 I

      2022: 15,148 D; 11,649 R; 10134 I.

      So, while the race will be more competitive than most, I think Laura will win fairly handily.

    • jason330 says:

      Sturgeon is highly visible in the district and very focused. The DEGOP is setting bundles of money on fire again.

  3. Shoutouts to the following, all of whom made significant contributions to the Huxtable campaign (these in addition to those who gave for the 30-day report):

    BHL, Committee To Elect Paradee, Tizzie Lockman, Friends For Hansen, Friends For Carney, Friends For Schwartzkopf, Friends of Bud Freel, Friends of Sarah McBride, Kyle Gay, LBR For Congress, Spiros Mantzavinos For The 7th, Townsend For Senate.

    You can bet that EVERY D senator except perhaps one, has maxed out to Russ.

  4. Shoutouts to the following, all of whom made significant contributions to the Hoffner campaign (these in addition to those who were listed on the 30-day report):

    Carper For Senate, Committee To Elect David Bentz, Committee To Elect Paradee, Elizabeth Lockman, Friends For Hansen, Friends Of Bud Freel, Friends Of Laura Sturgeon, Friends Of Sarah McBride, Spiros Mantzavinos For The 7th.

  5. Notably missing from those who have given to Russ and Kyra, both on the 30-day and the 8-day, are Darius Brown and Nicole Poore. Poore has quite the war chest, but has not chosen to share.

  6. Joe Connor says:

    One has already needed legal defense, the other is a good candidate. Gotta hold on to that cash!

  7. Shout-out to the following elected officials who gave to Frank Burns on the 8-day report:

    Friends Of Sarah McBride, Kyle Gay, Larry Lambert, LBR and Madinah Wilson-Anton.

    Several others had done so previously, including Dave Sokola, Eric Morrison, Friends Of Eric Morrison, Sokola For Senate, and Committee To Elect Madinah Wilson-Anton.

    Notable by their absences: Speaker Pete and Our PAL Val. Not even the House PACs anted up.

    Fuck them.