Delaware Liberal

One Last Desperate, Hail-Mary, Throwing-Myself-On-The-Mercy-Of-The-Court, Attempt To…

…get you to come to our great Chris Pierce/Sug Daniels concert this Saturday night at the Gild Hall at 8 pm.

I’ve got incentives!  But first, an explanation as why it’s come to this.  The Phillies. That’s right. The Arden Concert Gild has overcome cancellations, Covid, artist no-shows, snowstorms, power outages, torrential rains, even ungodly May heat (the Gild Hall doesn’t have AC).  But we couldn’t overcome the pin-striped juggernaut from the National League.  Ticket sales were right on their expected pace until the Fightin’s won the National League pennant.  Then they died, despite strong support from WXPN.

I wouldn’t push this hard if I wasn’t convinced that you’d flat-out love these artists, but I know you will. Or would, if you came.

Look, I know that Game 6 is scheduled for Saturday.  I know that many of you won’t abandon the Phils for a concert.  However I know that you’re not all baseball fans.  Plus, there’s at least the possibility that the Series will wrap up on Thursday.  So, for those of you who are not wedded to your TV’s, here’s what I’m offering:

Pay (or don’t pay) what you want!  That’s right.  Tickets can be yours for free.  Or you can donate whatever you want.  If you win tonight’s Powerball, a tithe of, say $2 mill would not be out of order to keep the music playing.  We’re not the only ones doing this Saturday. Union Transfer, one of the largest music venues in the region, has turned Saturday’s concert into a free show.

Chris Pierce CD’s to be raffled off!

A Sug Daniels Merch Bag to be raffled off!

Who knows what I might come up with between now and then?

Oh, and for those interested, I’ll keep y’all up to date on the game.

Do we have a date?

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