Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Monday November 7 2022

18 hours to go. Many of you have probably voted already. 100% of you will have voted when it is all said and done. We are all political weirdos. We are among the 52% (ish) of voting-age citizens who will go to the polls during a midterm election. Congratulations.

Nobody knows how it is going to play out. has competing articles by Nate Silver. One predicts a MAGA victory and one predicts a Democratic Party victory.  Neither one is worth the bytes and pixels Silver takes up bloviating.

I must admit that I’m still thinking that there may be secret Blue wave. The MAGA party has been very candid about wanting to be the most horrible thing that has been inflicted on America since the TV show Hee-Haw.  I have some naive hope that 52% of the 52% have somehow gleaned that message from the billions of dollars MAGA pacs have spent getting that message out.

I feel like I did the day before Lydia York trounced KMcG in the recent primary. Nobody knew what was going to happen in that one either but you had a non-criminal running against a convicted criminal, so…(?)

Well that’s enough of that. And I called Nate Silver a bloviator. If that isn’t the pot calling the kettle a bloviator. Here is some shit that happened while England slept.

The GOP primary battle for the Presidential nomination has begun:

Trump derides Gov. DeSantis as ‘Ron De-sanctimonious’

You’d think a ULTRA Super Genius! with 9 companies to run would be much too busy to hand moderate Twitter to weed out people making fun of him. 

Twitter suspends Kathy Griffin’s account for impersonating Elon Musk

Speaking of Musk, this is the best rundown of how Musk is pooping the bed.

Anyway, it would be hard to find anything that exemplifies the alleged “populism” of the Trump/Hawley/Vance Republican Party as defining the “empowerment” as “paying the world’s richest man $100 a year for something with absolutely no value.” That’s all the Republican Party is — distributing wealth upward while claiming ordinary people have won because the libs have been owned.

DEGOP Proxy fervently argues that teenagers should be able to carry AR-15’s with high capacity magazine into to schools for mandatory “bring in your gun” days.

Side note – A woman has been cropped out of this picture that accompanies that WHYY article.  She is standing just to the right of this guy and is holding a sign that reads.  “To be honest, I’d feel safer.”  That’s his ex-wife.

I keep forgetting to mention that the Mississippi River is running dry.
“What you need to know” is simply that we’re fucked.
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